paytabscom / paytabs-ios-library-sample

This repository contains latest static framework (.framework), resources bundle (.bundle), sample apps for both Objective-C and Swift, and documentation to get SDK integrated in the Xcode projects.
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SDK integration issue in application #18

Closed Hamza123Imran closed 4 years ago

Hamza123Imran commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have tried to follow your provided SDK integration document but I'm facing some issues while doing all the processes. I have drag and drop both Resources.bundle and paytabs-iOS.framework into my project. After that, I have updated info.plist file and added #import <paytabs-iOS/paytabs_iOS.h> header file in my Bridging header class also i have change the Other Linker Flag as mentioned in the document. Now when I clean and build the project it shows me error of Pods file not found. I have installed all the pod files mentioned in the document and when i try to run the application it shows me error message of Pod file not found. Why is it so, i have followed each n every steps as mentioned in the document. What am i missing in that? PHOTO-2020-04-16-20-42-27 PHOTO-2020-04-17-09-53-35 2 PHOTO-2020-04-17-09-53-35 These are the errors i'm facing. Please help me in that.

cogtea commented 4 years ago

@Hamza123Imran In case if you are using OCR version, please add the following dependency

pod 'PayCardsRecognizer'
Hamza123Imran commented 4 years ago

I have tried with OCR and without OCR by commenting the OCR pod file. But whenever i try to do all setup as mention in document, i face an error that Pod file not found

Walid-033 commented 4 years ago

Hi hamza, please try our samples available on github with your account (merchant id & secret key). if the error still appears, please produce the issue with a sample app and forward the sample to us with same results, logs, dependencies and third party libraries

Walid-033 commented 4 years ago

and provide the below information for further investigations,,,, environment (Xcode version,device IOS version etc), and which programing (Swift, Java, etc)

aalisher5 commented 4 years ago

HI @Walid-033 the xcode version is Version 11.3.1 (11C504), Device is Iphone 11 Max Pro

aalisher5 commented 4 years ago

@Walid-033 there might be no issue with your sample application, that is not our issue at all, the issue is when we integrate the Paytabs SDK in our application its not getting integrated, and i have explained the issue in detail email. My initial assumption is its due to conflicting dependencies i.e. Reachability , IQKeyboardManager , ReachabilitySwift, IQKeyboardManagerSwift. 1: When we exclude ReachabilitySwift, IQKeyboardManagerSwift in pod file our project wouldn't run. 2: IF we exclude Reachability , IQKeyboardManager Paytabs Sdk gives error missing header files. 3: When we include both we get this error.

Screenshot 2020-04-21 19 21 33
Hamza123Imran commented 4 years ago

Hi hamza, please try our samples available on github with your account (merchant id & secret key). if the error still appears, please produce the issue with a sample app and forward the sample to us with same results, logs, dependencies and third party libraries

I can use it, if my error get remove. First issue i'm facing is regarding pod file not found. I have integrated SDK in both existing project and new project but face same errors. This is error i'm getting in the application `1 error generated.

:0: error: failed to emit precompiled header '/Users/bester/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PayTabDemo-enfdwpcucfokxecmfrgwwgaxxpqj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/PrecompiledHeaders/PayTabDemo-Bridging-Header-swift_2ORYN0N8GO9GD-clang_2XQ61TVUMOL8S.pch' for bridging header '/Users/bester/Desktop/PayTabDemo/PayTabDemo/PayTabDemo-Bridging-Header.h'` `'AFHTTPSessionManager.h' file not found`
cogtea commented 4 years ago

@Hamza123Imran You can't exclude the SDK dependencies, and you are using same dependency but with Swift flavor, for example, it is required by the SDK, also it supporting Swift, so you can remove ReachabilitySwift and modify your app to fit Reachability, it should fix your conflict.

cogtea commented 4 years ago

Please use the latest version 4.0.8

Ashish23451 commented 3 years ago

Hello team

i integrated successfully apple pay with paytabs payment gateway but i have a error Response Code: 4001

Response Result: The request is not properly formatted.

Tokenization Cutomer Email:

Tokenization Customer Password:

TOkenization Token:

please help us as soon as possible

Thanks Ashish

Priyali-hub commented 3 years ago

I am trying to pay with paytabs I am using paytabs v4.0.8-lite(ios) version but when I click on pay button nothing happens.i am using simulator 8(13.3) and xcode 11.3

Please help