paytabscom / paytabs-ios-library-sample

This repository contains latest static framework (.framework), resources bundle (.bundle), sample apps for both Objective-C and Swift, and documentation to get SDK integrated in the Xcode projects.
MIT License
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reason: '-[PTFWHTTPSessionManager POST:parameters:constructingBodyWithBlock:progress:success:failure:]: #38

Open SpotServe-2018 opened 3 years ago

SpotServe-2018 commented 3 years ago

app is crashed when tap on the button .

AdlyPayTabs commented 3 years ago

Make sure the AFNetworking version is updated to 4.0.1

pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 4.0.1'

mdtechcs commented 3 years ago

@SpotServe-2018 upgrade library to latest version(SDK v4.0.9 Lite version) to fix this issue

mukulsharma7666 commented 3 years ago

AFNetworking version to 4.0.1 is not working

mukulsharma7666 commented 3 years ago

and AFNetworking version to 4.0.9 in not able to install