paytabscom / paytabs-ios-library-sample

This repository contains latest static framework (.framework), resources bundle (.bundle), sample apps for both Objective-C and Swift, and documentation to get SDK integrated in the Xcode projects.
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Issue related to pod 'PayTabs', '~> 4.3.1' #45

Open iishabrawy opened 3 years ago

iishabrawy commented 3 years ago

Now i added pod 'PayTabs', '~> 4.3.1' to my pod file and install it and start to pay with apple pay and every time the sdk response with Secret key is invalid! && responseCode is 4002 and i use the MerchantSecretKey from PT v1 account

and try to set andIsTokenization to true as the sample and sdk still reponse with Secret key is invalid! && responseCode is 4002

and try to see any documentation to the sdk over your website and didn't find any one.

iishabrawy commented 3 years ago

and after i start with pt2 and navigate to "INTEGRATION MAPPING" under the "Developers" section. didn't find anything as attached image

Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 5 31 37 AM
MuhamedAdly commented 3 years ago

Please contact the supporting team "" to assign the integration mapping to your profile.

iishabrawy commented 3 years ago

@MuhamedAdly Thanks I contacted them and the issue fixed But one of our users try to execute an transaction and this error appear to him image

iishabrawy commented 3 years ago

And in pt v2 portal i found this in api debug section image

MuhamedAdly commented 3 years ago

Please make sure the currency "SAR" is added to your supported currencies in your dashboard

iishabrawy commented 3 years ago

@MuhamedAdly should we use this pod pod 'PayTabsSDK', '~> 6.0.4-beta'

or we still use pod 'PayTabs', '~> 4.3.2' for production.

iishabrawy commented 3 years ago

@MuhamedAdly Now we integrate with the 6.0.4 version And there is an errors appeared in api debug logs image Those errors related to apple pay (user used mada card ) And master card / visa card

Could you help me in this issue?

MuhamedAdly commented 3 years ago

It is recommended to contact the support team to investigate with you this kind of issues.