Closed tommi-martin closed 2 years ago
Hi @tommi-martin . I have tried to use your code from your PR. Unfortunately after sending http request I'm getting 401 unauthorized.. Is there something what I have missed?
static async Task Main(string[] args)
string secret = "SAIPPUAKAUPPIAS";
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
headers.Add("checkout-account", "375917");
headers.Add("checkout-algorithm", "sha256");
headers.Add("checkout-method", "POST");
headers.Add("checkout-nonce", "564635208570151");
headers.Add("checkout-timestamp", "2018-07-06T10:01:31.904Z");
var b = new Body();
b.stamp = "unique-identifier-for-merchant";
b.reference = "3759170";
b.amount = 1525;
b.currency = "EUR";
b.language = "FI";
var item = new Item();
item.unitPrice = 1525;
item.units = 1;
item.vatPercentage = 24;
item.productCode = "#1234";
item.deliveryDate = "2018-09-01";
b.items = new Item[] { item };
b.customer = new Customer("");
b.redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls("", "");
var body = JsonSerializer.Serialize(b);
var encData = Crypto.CalculateHmac(secret, headers, body);
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted data: " + encData);
var client = new HttpClient();
var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage()
Method = HttpMethod.Post,
RequestUri = new Uri(""),
Content = new StringContent(body),
Headers = {
{ "checkout-account", "375917" },
{ "checkout-algorithm", "sha256" },
{ "checkout-method", "POST" },
{ "checkout-nonce", "564635208570151" },
{ "checkout-timestamp", "2018-07-06T10:01:31.904Z" },
{ "signature", encData },
var response = await client.SendAsync(httpRequestMessage);
Pull request closed. There are issues to be resolved inside the code example. After issues are addressed a new pull request will be made. @marspox I'll return to your comment as soon as I have more information for you.
@marspox, your code implementation looks good to me, however the request data in the C# example is the same as in the paytrail js/php examples and using it is only for testing encoded data result. If you'd like to make a real request you have to use your account data.
Also I suggest you to use variables from the headers dictionary instead manually type them like: var httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage() { Method = HttpMethod.Post, RequestUri = new Uri(""), Content = new StringContent(body), Headers = { { "checkout-account", headers["checkout-account"] }, { "checkout-algorithm", headers["checkout-algorithm"] }, { "checkout-method", headers["checkout-method"] }, { "checkout-nonce", headers["checkout-nonce"] }, { "checkout-timestamp", headers["checkout-timestamp"] }, { "signature", encData }, } };
Hi @RalitsaBatistaSolteq Thank you for your answer. I know that code is ugly it was just sample created in few minutes just to find out If I will have same issue for c# sample code which I had when I used postman and example of nodejs code attached in documentation for generating a signature. I thought that checkout-account (375917) is some kind of test account which can be used for testing API, as it is used in many places in doc. as example...
@marspox ,
please set the Content-type for the HttpRequestMessage object as follows: Content = new StringContent(body,System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"), instead of Content = new StringContent(body)
b.stamp needs to be different for every new call, so you can use Random generated number like this: add method to the Crypto class public static string RandomDigits(int length) { var random = new Random(); string s = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) s = String.Concat(s, random.Next(10).ToString()); return s; }
use it in Program.cs
b.stamp = Crypto.RandomDigits(11);
also you can debug at the end with : Console.WriteLine("StatCode: " + response.StatusCode); Console.WriteLine("Result: " + await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Branch contains example code for a HMAC calculation using C#