Re-attempt to sign commits without signing with a warning, when signing runlog commits fails due to git config using:
signing key with a passphrase or the private key is hosted on local machine
or the gpg.ssh.program is not accessible on run pbs job - path is not added to storage flags
Closes #449
I thought about adding a help message, something like
If signed runlog commits are required, either:
- manually run 'git commit --amend' to resign the latest commit
- change git config to a use passphrase-less and local signing key pair,
and check configured 'gpg.ssh.program' is accessible during PBS run job (check storage flags)
Which I can add in if it'll be helpful - I just don't want to make it even more confusing..
coverage: 52.555% (+0.1%) from 52.419%
when pulling 55f594a860705fb6fbd62ac80f1ec921f4914624 on ACCESS-NRI:449-signing-git-commits
into e611bcca30a95be96903821d8a083baf2c8cdde7 on payu-org:master.
Re-attempt to sign commits without signing with a warning, when signing runlog commits fails due to git config using:
Closes #449
I thought about adding a help message, something like
Which I can add in if it'll be helpful - I just don't want to make it even more confusing..