pazaan / 600SeriesAndroidUploader

Your Medtronic 600-series pump data, direct to Nightscout
MIT License
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stop delivering insulin area #221

Open YoannBaz opened 6 years ago

YoannBaz commented 6 years ago

Hello there, I just discussed with Lennart and he advise me to go here to make my request. I would like to know if it's possible to put on the diagram of nightscout the period during when the pump isn't currently delivering any insulin because the cgm value is too low. like these orange area : It will be really helpfull for my wife and I, because for know to be sure that the pump is currently stop we should manipulate the pump of my 4 years old son, and he isn't always cooperative. Thanks again for your work ! :)

Pogman commented 6 years ago

Nightscout dosn't have a way to add a graph variation that looks like that. As you may have noticed it does show the basal rate at 0 and the basal graph reflects this with a flat period. The treatments also record the suspend/resume period.

The next uploader version has a number of additional features that may help you. Alerts and status info will be sent to your follower device for specific events such as suspend and resume along with the reason why it happened. You will be notified with a custom sound, vibration etc. This way you know when it happens and don't have to keep checking your NS site.

pazaan commented 6 years ago

@Pogman I asked @YoannBaz to add the bug anyway, to see if we could either add it as a Note (which probably won't cut it), or make a request from the server guys.

Pogman commented 6 years ago

Yeah - NS server would need someone familiar with that.

Next version also has options to send all the alarms and alerts to NS and will show up as notifications. For the auto suspend/resume a user will see events like this:

Suspend On Low, Delivery stopped. Sensor glucose 123. Check BG.

These should mark the start/end of the period in NS.

Full set for smartgaurd:

        <item>806|-2|1|Basal Delivery Resumed|(quiet)</item>
        <item>808|0|1|Basal Delivery Resumed|Maximum 2 hour suspend time reached. Check BG.</item>
        <item>809|0|1|Suspend On Low|Delivery stopped. Sensor glucose {dsgv;1}. Check BG.</item>
        <item>810|-2|1|Suspend Before Low|(quiet)</item>
        <item>811|0|1|Suspend Before Low|Delivery stopped. Sensor glucose approaching Low Limit. Check BG.</item>
        <item>812|2|1|Suspend Before Low|Patient unresponsive, medical device emergency</item>
        <item>814|0|1|Basal Delivery Resumed|Maximum 2 hour suspend time reached. SG is still under Low limit. Check BG.</item>
        <item>815|0|1|Basal Delivery Resumed|Low settings change caused basal to be resumed. Check BG.</item>
