pbaghershahi / SAttLE

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What does the edges tensor [8388, 456, 0] represent? #7

Open Usavior opened 1 month ago

Usavior commented 1 month ago

"Could you please explain what 'edges' represent? In the FB dataset, the tensor [8388, 456, 0] represents the head entity, relation, and tail entity. If there are 237 types of relations, why is there a relation with ID 456?"

pbaghershahi commented 1 month ago

Hi, this is due to the addition of reciprocal relations. Basically, to model reciprocal learning we add the inverse of all relations. So for every triple $(s, r, t)$, we augmented the dataset with triple $(t, r^{-1}, s)$. Read section 3.4 of the paper. So if we have 237 relations in the original dataset, we have indices from 0 to (2*237)-1 for relations.

Usavior commented 1 month ago
