pbaity / rocketchat-dark-mode

An easy user-togglable dark mode for Rocket.Chat
MIT License
369 stars 126 forks source link

Rocket.Chat Slack Theme #214

Open sdarwin opened 8 months ago

sdarwin commented 8 months ago

Hi, About a year ago our company was exploring the idea of deploying Rocket Chat to replace Slack, and we developed a css stylesheet that mimicked the appearance of Slack. It was closely connected to pbaity/rocketchat-dark-mode, in the sense that it assumed dark mode was installed.

I have just uploaded the code here: https://gist.github.com/sdarwin/08ecbfb17f8dbeaed60917db791d22d7

Since then, many changes have happened. The CSS styles are probably out-of-date and would need to be fixed. Also, it seems "Rocket.Chat features its own official dark mode now". I had been thinking that maybe pbaity/rocketchat-dark-mode could adopt this Slack theme as a new feature to offer users. However if the repository is going to be archived, that's another story.

Anyone is welcome to merge the gist or develop it further.