pbakondy / cordova-plugin-speechrecognition

:microphone: Cordova Plugin for Speech Recognition
MIT License
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Speech recognition doesn't work on iOS 13.3 #111

Open seemaks opened 4 years ago

seemaks commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have created an ionic app which uses this cordova-plugin-recognition for converting speech to text. It works well on android. But when I create an ipa file and uploaded it to testflight to be tested via apple store, the testers are not able to record their voice. It does nothing on trying to record speech nor throws any error. The code which I used is as follows: initSpeech() { this.speechRecognition.hasPermission() .then((hasPermission: boolean) => { console.log(hasPermission) if (!hasPermission) { this.speechRecognition.requestPermission() .then( () => console.log('granted'), () => console.log('Denied') ) } }) }

start() { // Start the recognition process this.speechRecognition.startListening() .subscribe( (matches: Array) => { this.voicetext = matches[0]; this.mainForm.controls['comments'].setValue(matches[0]); }, (onerror) => console.log('error:', onerror) ) }

//stop listening for(ios only) stop() { this.speechRecognition.stopListening();

} Please help me with this

seemaks commented 4 years ago

folks… could anyone could help me in right direction.

Thanks, Seema Sharma