pbakondy / cordova-plugin-speechrecognition

:microphone: Cordova Plugin for Speech Recognition
MIT License
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iOS - AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord does not work #44

Open johnrvs opened 6 years ago

johnrvs commented 6 years ago

Once startListening() fires, there is no sound, even after stopListening(). Before that, anything is ok. Does anyone knows something about it? I also tryied to remove cordova-plugin-avaudiosession but nothing changed.

AugusDogus commented 6 years ago

This isn't an issue, it's intended. IOS does not provide a sound that plays with their API. If you're using android's API with the popup enabled you will notice a sound, but these API's are separate. You must supply the sound and implement this yourself if developing for IOS.

johnrvs commented 6 years ago

But that is what I did, I have a sound that plays each time I tap the button for enabling speech recognition. The thing is that I figured out a mini solution by modifing the plugin's objective-c but there is still a problem with sound volume and duration.