pbakondy / cordova-plugin-speechrecognition

:microphone: Cordova Plugin for Speech Recognition
MIT License
197 stars 117 forks source link

Fixes #23 #65

Closed CVeniamin closed 6 years ago

CVeniamin commented 6 years ago

This PR fixes issue #23 by making speaker of the device to be used by default or headphones when plugged. This issues only appears on iPhones because it has "ear speaker" thus audio output is sent to ear speaker instead of main speaker. Creating the "low volume" as creator of the issue pointed out.

mmenchu commented 6 years ago

@CVeniamin you rock!! Thanks brother

draganstojanov commented 6 years ago

Hi. It seems like this is right thing. I am little bit inexperienced with this stuff so i have to ask how to implement this commits in my project. There is no merge in master branch. Could i just override plugin.xml and src/ios/SpeechRecognition.m to my Project/plugin/src... Thanks!

CVeniamin commented 6 years ago

@draganstojanov, simply change pbakondy #L84 to CVeniamin #L84 and pkabondy #L85 to CVeniamin #L85. These changes should fix the problem. In fact after I made these changes I opened a pull request, however I experimented other code which got stagged by github on this pull request.

draganstojanov commented 6 years ago

@CVeniamin ,it works properly. Thank You very much. I'll buy you a beer! :)

yasseralsamman commented 6 years ago

+1 This pull request should be merged.

pbakondy commented 6 years ago

@CVeniamin the PR should contain only the two lines of SpeechRecognition.m. Please remove the rest and "git squash" the commits.

CVeniamin commented 6 years ago

@pbakondy, it's now squashed!

ElicaInc commented 6 years ago

Thanks, guys!

ptykamikaze commented 5 years ago
