pbakondy / cordova-plugin-speechrecognition

:microphone: Cordova Plugin for Speech Recognition
MIT License
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startListening "matches" option returns too many results (setting "matches: 1" does not work) #75

Open pdubuc opened 6 years ago

pdubuc commented 6 years ago

Problem: startListening() almost always returns 5 matches, despite setting matches: 1.
Question: could someone please offer advice about how to restrict the output to return just a single/best match value?

Here is some sample code to illustrate how I have set the matches option:

function startRecognition(inputFieldId){
        // Show the result in the corresponding input field     
        document.getElementById(inputFieldId).setAttribute("value", result);
    }, function(err)    {
    }, {
        language: "en-US", matches: 1, prompt: "", showPopup: false

Note: modifying the other options, like prompt works fine, but modifying matches does nothing.

draganstojanov commented 6 years ago

@pdubuc, result is an array. Try result[0]. I think the first value is the best, I am using it like that.

endoplasmic commented 5 years ago

This is happening to me as well on Android (not tested on iOS).

During partial results sometimes you have higher confidence later in the array list (which I would've assumed would get sent to the first index).

The final results only have a single confidence score (instead of 5), so the wacky thing is that you get 5 results and 5 scores on the very last partial message, once you get to the final result you get 5 results and only the first score in the confidence array.

It feels like it's a bug with the SpeechRecognizer class in general since I can see the "matches: 1" being sent to the startListening command, but android is ignoring it.

So it looks like we'll have to use result[0] until the SDK gets an update :(

I'm using cordova-android 7.1.1 (sdk 27).