pbakondy / cordova-plugin-speechrecognition

:microphone: Cordova Plugin for Speech Recognition
MIT License
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Issues when running as an Android app on Chromebook #99

Open joshglazer opened 5 years ago

joshglazer commented 5 years ago

This plugin has been working great for my app on both iOS and Android devices. However, I installed the Android version of the app onto a chromebook, and it seems to freeze when calling the SpeechRecognition.startListening() function. Has anyone else had similar issues? If so, is there something I can do to get this working?

jackie-d commented 4 years ago

Maybe https://github.com/pbakondy/cordova-plugin-speechrecognition/issues/102

Rob-Milliken commented 4 years ago

Josh, when I use SpeechRecognition.startListening() on a Chromebook Acer 10 (which has "Hey Google" recognition - so I know it's in there) - I get BIND_VOICE_INTERACTION permission is denied errors when I look at logcat. I've repeatedly tried to get permissions for this (android:permission="android.permission.BIND_VOICE_INTERACTION"), but I have not succeeded yet - like Google has proprietary permissions on Chromebooks for this kind of voice recognition. Hopefully this isn't so because education apps that use voice recognition is one of the points to having a Chromebook... Have you solved this or has anyone else reading this thread? (I should mention, this is not a Cordova plugin specific issue, but an overall JNI issue as it applies to Chromebooks, I think.)