pbatard / libwdi

Windows Driver Installer library for USB devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Strange issue -- zadig depends on libconfuse.dll #313

Closed mcuee closed 9 months ago

mcuee commented 9 months ago

Under my VS2022 installation (latets up to date community edition), somehow libconfuse.dll will be generated and Zadig.exe will depend on libconfuse.dll. This is quite strange.

PS C:\work\libusb\libwdi> cd .\Win32\Release\examples\
PS C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples> ls

    Directory: C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         17/2/2024   8:54 pm                wdi-simple
d-----         17/2/2024   8:54 pm                zadig
-a----         29/4/2023  10:33 pm          38400 libconfuse.dll
-a----         17/2/2024   8:54 pm        6962688 wdi-simple.exe
-a----         17/2/2024   8:54 pm        7169024 zadig.exe


mcuee commented 9 months ago

I am not so sure if this is the side effect of vcpkg.

         Generating code
         Previous IPDB not found, fall back to full compilation.
         All 263 functions were compiled because no usable IPDB/IOBJ from previous compilation was found.
         Finished generating code
         zadig.vcxproj -> C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples\zadig.exe
         pwsh.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noprofile -File "C:\src\vcpkg\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\applocal.ps
         1" "C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples\zadig.exe" "C:\src\vcpkg\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows\bin" "C:
         \work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples\zadig\zadig.tlog\zadig.write.1u.tlog" "C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\
         Deleting file "C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples\zadig\zadig.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
         Touching "C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples\zadig\zadig.tlog\zadig.lastbuildstate".
     7>Done Building Project "C:\work\libusb\libwdi\examples\.msvc\zadig.vcxproj" (default targets).
     1>Done Building Project "C:\work\libusb\libwdi\libwdi.sln" (default targets).
mcuee commented 9 months ago

Indeed, the dependancy to libconfuse.dll goes away once I remove vcpkg integration.

PS C:\src\vcpkg\vcpkg> .\vcpkg.exe integrate remove
User-wide integration was removed.

PS C:\work\libusb\libwdi> ls .\Win32\Release\examples\

    Directory: C:\work\libusb\libwdi\Win32\Release\examples

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         17/2/2024  10:07 pm                wdi-simple
d-----         17/2/2024  10:07 pm                zadig
-a----         17/2/2024  10:07 pm        6962688 wdi-simple.exe
-a----         17/2/2024  10:07 pm        7169024 zadig.exe


mcuee commented 9 months ago

Close this issue for now.