pbatard / rufus

The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Win10, disk mounted to folder (w/o letter) Rufus can't see directories and files inside (like an iso per se) It shows the whole disk as empty #2455

Closed somethingstarted closed 1 month ago

somethingstarted commented 1 month ago

I understand not wanting to deal with non standard mounts, but i feel this could be helpful to some depending on how common mounting to a folder is with windows users.

Known workaround: copy file you want to a disk mounted to a letter and be done with it


pbatard commented 1 month ago

I believe that your issue is the same as the one described in this FAQ entry in that, because, Rufus runs elevated, disk and folder mappes as your regular user will not be accessible.

Please bear in mind that Administrator and your regular user are different accounts with different permissions and, despite what many seem to believe, Administrator does not have all access to all mapped resources.

A good way to tell if it's a Rufus issue or a Windows issue is to run Notepad elevated and see if you can access the files on your mounted folder. If you get the same issue, then clearly, this has nothing to do with Rufus.

I'd try the workaround described in the FAQ entry and see how it goes. But otherwise, yeah. I don't think I'm going to lose much sleep on an issue that I'm pretty sure is a pure Windows one and that, even if it wasn't, the cost/benefit of addressing would still be way too high.