Sorry if this seems to be a stupid question.
I'm running this project in google colab.
When is running, it always stops at about 20 iterations even though I set it to run 200 iterations.
This is the command I used:
!python --batch_size=2 --output_video=True --load_resnet='data/finetuned_resnet.h5' --lr=0.01 --decay_rate=0.2 --iterations=200 --use_l1_penalty=0.1 aligned_images/ generated_images/ latent_representations/
So I kinda figured it out.
I set the --early_stopping==False.
Then it runs until reaching the pre-set iteration limit.
Sorry for asking stupid questions.
Sorry if this seems to be a stupid question. I'm running this project in google colab. When is running, it always stops at about 20 iterations even though I set it to run 200 iterations. This is the command I used:
!python --batch_size=2 --output_video=True --load_resnet='data/finetuned_resnet.h5' --lr=0.01 --decay_rate=0.2 --iterations=200 --use_l1_penalty=0.1 aligned_images/ generated_images/ latent_representations/