pbecchi / SmartSol_Firmware

Firmware for SmartSolenoid
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Manual multi hop functions #5

Closed pbecchi closed 5 years ago

pbecchi commented 5 years ago

New Esp32 Smartsolenoid release should have this feature working!

pbecchi commented 5 years ago

Revision of Opensprinkler will have this feature working, a file will define the routing to each receiver. Example: /0/3/2 This line will tell OS that to reach station n.2 you have to go through n.3 Just provide 1 line for each receiver that need multi hop!

pbecchi commented 5 years ago

On Esp32Smartsolenoid 20 february release, you can use manual mutihop addressing. Smartsolenoids will relay messages to other receivers if requested by the transmitter( OPENSPRINKLER, LORARDUINO, SMARTHUB..) On last Opensprinkler release, you can use a file named netpath.dat to define multihop addressing. The file if present will be read at startup, and define multi hop addressing To a device if a line with /xx/yy/deviceAddress Are presents. Xx and yy are relay smartsolenoid addressing.