pbek / QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cant pick a folder as notes folder #1779

Closed elmonteanalogo closed 4 years ago

elmonteanalogo commented 4 years ago

This software is exactly what I need but I'd like to be able to select any folder as my notes folder. It seems like you're supposed to be able to just do it but I cant select anything at all in the menu that pops up to select the path to a folder. The only way to use the program is if I go with the default Nextcloud/Notes in my home folder during installation. I deleted it and basically couldnt start the program ever again, even after uninstalling entirely and downloading it again. Luckily I kept the folder in recycle bin and restored it and could use the program again.

Installed using flatpak on deepin 15.11

pbek commented 4 years ago

Can you please post the output from the debug settings (see issue template). And is there any useful log output if you enable the log panel (see Window / Panels)? Please make sure you also enable debug logging in the log panel (by right-clicking on the panel and and selecting Debug in Options).

And can you please explain in more detail and step by step what you did, what happened and what you expected.

btw. there also is an AppImage, if Flatpak is causing troubles for you, see https://www.qownnotes.org/installation

elmonteanalogo commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply. I've done nothing at all really. The very first thing that happens after running the program is that it prompts you to select a folder. I've tried to select a folder and couldnt. That's basically the entire issue, it does work with the default folder it creates but cant select anything else. Ill try to install with appimage in case flatpak is the issue. In the little log panel i get this... all i did was try to browse around and select folders to no effect

[15:30:36] [debug] cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Predeterminado" "" "" 1 [15:31:02] [debug] initShortcuts - 'menuBarIsVisible': true [15:31:02] [debug] cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Predeterminado" "" "" 1 [15:31:02] [debug] buildNotesIndex - 'noteSubFolderId': 0 [15:31:02] [debug] setupNoteFolderTables - 'database version': 14 [15:31:02] [debug] cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Predeterminado" "" "" 1 [15:31:02] [debug] loadNoteDirectoryList [15:31:02] [debug] reloadTagTree [15:31:02] [debug] reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:31:02] [debug] filterNotesByNoteSubFolders - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:31:02] [debug] reloadNoteSubFolderTree [15:31:02] [debug] filterNotesByNoteSubFolders - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:31:02] [debug] reloadNoteSubFolderTree [15:31:02] [debug] reloadTagTree [15:31:02] [debug] reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:31:02] [debug] loadNoteDirectoryList [15:31:02] [debug] reloadTagTree [15:31:02] [debug] reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:31:02] [debug] filterNotesByNoteSubFolders - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:31:02] [debug] reloadNoteSubFolderTree [15:31:02] [debug] filterNotesByNoteSubFolders - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0)

Here's the output from larger debug screen

QOwnNotes Debug Information

General Info

Current Date: vie. may. 29 15:32:35 2020 Version: 20.5.13 Build date: May 28 2020 Build number: 721 Platform: linux Operating System: KDE Flatpak runtime Build architecture: x86_64 Current architecture: x86_64 Release: TuxFamily Qt Version (build): 5.14.2 Qt Version (runtime): 5.14.2 Portable mode: no Settings path / key: /home/mangudai/.var/app/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes/config/PBE/QOwnNotes.conf Application database path: /home/mangudai/.var/app/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes/data/PBE/QOwnNotes/QOwnNotes.sqlite Application arguments: QOwnNotes Qt Debug: 0 Locale (system): es_ES Locale (interface): en Primary screen resolution: 1920x1080 Icon theme: breeze-qownnotes Notes in current note folder: 2 Calendar items: 0 Enabled scripts: 0

Server Info

serverUrl: empty appIsValid: yes notesPathExists: empty serverVersion: empty appVersion: empty


Enabled: true Selected language: auto Language codes: en_AU, en_BS, en_BZ, en_CA, en_GB, en_GH, en_IE, en_IN, en_JM, en_MW, en_NA, en_NZ, en_PH, en_TT, en_US, en_ZA, en_ZW, es_ANY, es_AR, es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR, es_CU, es_DO, es_EC, es_ES, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PE, es_PR, es_PY, es_SV, es_UY, es_VE Language names: Australian English (Australia), English (Bahamas), English (Belize), Canadian English (Canada), British English (United Kingdom), English (Ghana), English (Ireland), English (India), English (Jamaica), English (Malawi), English (Namibia), English (New Zealand), English (Philippines), English (Trinidad & Tobago), American English (United States), English (South Africa), English (Zimbabwe), español de España (España), español (Argentina), español (Bolivia), español (Chile), español (Colombia), español (Costa Rica), español (Cuba), español (República Dominicana), español (Ecuador), español de España (España), español (Guatemala), español (Honduras), español de México (México), español (Nicaragua), español (Panamá), español (Perú), español (Puerto Rico), español (Paraguay), español (El Salvador), español (Uruguay), español (Venezuela) Application dictionaries path: /home/mangudai/.var/app/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes/data/PBE/QOwnNotes/dicts

Note folders

currentNoteFolderId: 2

Note folder Notes

id: 2 isCurrent: yes activeTagId: 0 localPath: /home/mangudai/Nextcloud/Notes remotePath: empty cloudConnectionId: 1 isShowSubfolders: yes isUseGit: no activeNoteSubFolder name: empty database file: /home/mangudai/Nextcloud/Notes/notes.sqlite

Cloud connections

Cloud connection Predeterminado

id: 1 isCurrent: yes serverUrl: empty username: empty

Enabled scripts


ActiveNoteHistoryItem (NoteHistoryItem): <binary data> Debug/fakeOldVersionNumber (bool): false Debug/fileLogging (bool): false DictionaryManagerDialog/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> DictionaryManagerDialog/mainSplitterState (QByteArray): <binary data> Editor/CurrentSchemaKey (QString): EditorColorSchema-6d7d03f9-ffac-4e75-a57b-847fd4871eac Editor/autoBracketClosing (bool): true Editor/autoBracketRemoval (bool): true Editor/disableCursorBlinking (bool): false Editor/editorWidthInDFMOnly (bool): true Editor/highlightCurrentLine (bool): true Editor/indentSize (int): 4 Editor/removeTrainingSpaces (bool): false Editor/useTabIndent (bool): false Editor/vimMode (bool): false LastUpdateCheck (QDateTime): 2020-05-29T15:25:57.791 LogWidget/criticalLog (bool): true LogWidget/debugLog (bool): true LogWidget/fatalLog (bool): true LogWidget/infoLog (bool): true LogWidget/scriptingLog (bool): true LogWidget/statusLog (bool): true LogWidget/warningLog (bool): true MainWindow/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> MainWindow/mainToolBar.iconSize (int): 22 MainWindow/menuBarGeometry (QByteArray): <binary data> MainWindow/noteTextEdit.code.font (QString): monospace,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextEdit.font (QString): FreeSans,14,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular MainWindow/noteTextView.code.font (QString): monospace,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.font (QString): Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.ignoreCodeFontSize (bool): true MainWindow/noteTextView.rtl (bool): false MainWindow/noteTextView.underline (bool): true MainWindow/noteTextView.useEditorStyles (bool): true MainWindow/noteTextView.useInternalExportStyling (bool): true MainWindow/showNotesFromAllNoteSubFolders (QString): false NoteFolder-2/NoteTabNameList (QStringList): Welcome to QOwnNotes NoteFolder-2/NoteTabStickinessList (QStringList): empty NoteFolder-2/NoteTabSubFolderPathDataList (QStringList): empty NoteFolder-2/allowDifferentNoteFileName (bool): true NoteHistory-2 (QVariantList): <variant list with 2 item(s)> NoteHistoryCurrentIndex-2 (int): 1 PiwikClientId (QString): <hidden> SearchEngineId (int): 2 SettingsDialog/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> SettingsDialog/mainSplitterState (QByteArray): <binary data> ShowSystemTray (bool): true StartHidden (bool): false WelcomeDialog/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> acceptAllExternalModifications (bool): false allowNoteEditing (bool): true allowOnlyOneAppInstance (bool): true appMetrics/disableAppHeartbeat (bool): false appMetrics/disableTracking (bool): false appMetrics/notificationShown (QString): true automaticNoteFolderDatabaseClosing (bool): false checkSpelling (bool): true closeTodoListAfterSave (bool): false cryptoKey (QString): <hidden> currentNoteFolderId (QString): 2 currentWorkspace (QString): initial cursorWidth (int): 1 customNoteFileExtensionList (QStringList): empty darkMode (bool): true darkModeColors (bool): true darkModeIconTheme (bool): false darkModeTrayIcon (bool): false defaultNoteFileExtension (QString): md demoNotesCreated (QString): true disableAutomaticUpdateDialog (bool): true disableSavedSearchesAutoCompletion (bool): false dockWasInitializedOnce (QString): true enableNoteTree (bool): false enableSocketServer (bool): true externalEditorPath (QString): empty fullyHighlightedBlockquotes (bool): false gitCommitInterval (int): 30 gitExecutablePath (QString): empty gitLogCommand (QString): empty guiFirstRunInit (bool): true ignoreAllExternalModifications (bool): false ignoreAllExternalNoteFolderChanges (bool): false ignoreNoteSubFolders (QString): ^\. imageScaleDown (bool): false imageScaleDownMaximumHeight (int): 1024 imageScaleDownMaximumWidth (int): 1024 initialLayoutIdentifier (QString): full insertTimeFormat (QString): empty interfaceFontSize (int): 15 interfaceLanguage (QString): en internalIconTheme (bool): true itemHeight (int): 15 legacyLinking (bool): false localTrash/autoCleanupDays (int): 30 localTrash/autoCleanupEnabled (bool): true localTrash/supportEnabled (bool): true markdownHighlightingEnabled (bool): true navigationPanelHideSearch (bool): false networking/ignoreSSLErrors (bool): true networking/proxyType (int): 2 newNoteAskHeadline (bool): false noteEditIsCentralWidget (bool): true noteListPreview (bool): false noteSaveIntervalTime (int): 10 noteSubfoldersPanelDisplayAsFullTree (bool): true noteSubfoldersPanelHideSearch (bool): false noteSubfoldersPanelOrder (int): 0 noteSubfoldersPanelShowFullPath (bool): false noteSubfoldersPanelShowNotesRecursively (bool): false noteSubfoldersPanelShowRootFolderName (bool): true noteSubfoldersPanelSort (int): 0 notesPanelOrder (int): 0 notesPanelSort (int): 1 notesPath (QString): /home/mangudai/Nextcloud/Notes notifyAllExternalModifications (bool): false overrideInterfaceFontSize (bool): true ownCloud/supportEnabled (bool): false ownCloud/todoCalendarBackend (int): 3 ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVPassword (QString): <hidden> ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVServerUrl (QString): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVUsername (QString): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarCloudConnectionId (int): 1 ownCloud/todoCalendarDisplayNameList (QStringList): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledList (QStringList): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledUrlList (QStringList): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarUrlList (QStringList): empty ownCloudInfo/appIsValid (bool): true ownCloudInfo/connectionErrorMessage (QString): empty ownCloudInfo/notesPathExistsText (QString): empty ownCloudInfo/serverVersion (QString): empty restoreCursorPosition (bool): true restoreLastNoteAtStartup (bool): true restoreNoteTabs (bool): true showMatches (bool): true showMenuBar (bool): true showStatusBar (bool): true spellCheckLanguage (QString): auto systemIconTheme (bool): false taggingShowNotesRecursively (bool): false tagsPanelHideSearch (bool): false tagsPanelOrder (int): 0 tagsPanelSort (int): 0 todoCalendarSupport (bool): true toolbar/1/items (QStringList): action_New_note, action_Find_note, action_Remove_note, action_Open_note_in_external_editor, actionShow_local_trash, actionAllow_note_editing, , action_Back_in_note_history, action_Forward_in_note_history, , action_Find_text_in_note, actionReplace_in_current_note, , actionShow_versions, actionShow_trash, actionShare_note, , actionOpen_List toolbar/1/name (QString): mainToolBar toolbar/1/title (QString): main toolbar toolbar/2/items (QStringList): actionFormat_text_bold, actionFormat_text_italic, actionStrike_out_text, actionInsert_code_block, actionInsert_block_quote toolbar/2/name (QString): formattingToolbar toolbar/2/title (QString): formatting toolbar toolbar/3/items (QStringList): actionInsert_Link_to_note, actionInsert_image, actionInsert_current_time toolbar/3/name (QString): insertingToolbar toolbar/3/title (QString): inserting toolbar toolbar/4/items (QStringList): action_Encrypt_note, actionEdit_encrypted_note, actionDecrypt_note toolbar/4/name (QString): encryptionToolbar toolbar/4/title (QString): encryption toolbar toolbar/5/items (QStringList): actionWorkspaceComboBox, actionStore_as_new_workspace, actionRemove_current_workspace, actionRename_current_workspace, actionSwitch_to_previous_workspace, actionUnlock_panels, , actionToggle_distraction_free_mode, action_Increase_note_text_size, action_Decrease_note_text_size, action_Reset_note_text_size toolbar/5/name (QString): windowToolbar toolbar/5/title (QString): window toolbar toolbar/6/items (QStringList): action_Quit toolbar/6/name (QString): quitToolbar toolbar/6/title (QString): quit toolbar toolbar/size (int): 6 useNoteFolderButtons (bool): false useUNIXNewline (bool): false webSocketServerService/bookmarksNoteName (QString): Bookmarks webSocketServerService/bookmarksTag (QString): bookmarks webSocketServerService/port (int): 22222 workspace-initial/name (QString): Completo workspace-initial/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible (QString): true workspace-initial/windowState (QByteArray): <binary data> workspaces (QString): initial

System environment

USER: mangudai LANGUAGE: es_ES XDG_SEAT: seat0 XDG_SESSION_TYPE: x11 SHLVL: 0 QT4_IM_MODULE: fcitx HOME: /home/mangudai DESKTOP_SESSION: deepin GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE: /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes.desktop XDG_SEAT_PATH: /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 QT_LINUX_ACCESSIBILITY_ALWAYS_ON: 1 QT_DBL_CLICK_DIST: 15 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID: 12593 LOGNAME: mangudai GTK_IM_MODULE: fcitx XDG_SESSION_ID: 2 GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID: this-is-deprecated PATH: /app/bin:/usr/bin XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: /run/user/1000 XDG_SESSION_PATH: /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0 DISPLAY: :99.0 LANG: es_ES.UTF-8 XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: Deepin XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP: deepin XMODIFIERS: @im=fcitx XAUTHORITY: /run/user/1000/Xauthority XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR: /var/lib/lightdm/data/mangudai SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /run/user/1000/keyring/ssh SHELL: /bin/sh QT_ACCESSIBILITY: 1 GDMSESSION: deepin GPG_AGENT_INFO: /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1 XDG_VTNR: 1 QT_IM_MODULE: fcitx PWD: /home/mangudai CLUTTER_IM_MODULE: xim XDG_DATA_DIRS: /app/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/runtime/share:/run/host/share XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: /app/etc/xdg:/etc/xdg QT_PLUGIN_PATH: /app/lib64/plugins:/app/lib/plugins:/usr/share/runtime/lib/plugins QML2_IMPORT_PATH: /app/lib64/qml:/app/lib/qml GI_TYPELIB_PATH: /app/lib/girepository-1.0 GST_PLUGIN_PATH: /app/lib/gstreamer-1.0:/usr/lib/extensions/gstreamer-1.0:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0 KDE_FORK_SLAVES: 1 XDG_DATA_HOME: /home/mangudai/.var/app/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes/data XDG_CONFIG_HOME: /home/mangudai/.var/app/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes/config XDG_CACHE_HOME: /home/mangudai/.var/app/org.qownnotes.QOwnNotes/cache LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /app/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/GL/nvidia-418-74/lib:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openh264/extra

elmonteanalogo commented 4 years ago

Just want to add that I just installed it using the method for Debian 9 (that deepin is based on) provided in the website and its now working correctly so whatever it was it was related to the flatpak installation

pbek commented 4 years ago

The Debian and Flatpak version are using different settings paths, so you could start with empty settings... You can reset your settings from the CLI (see https://docs.qownnotes.org/en/latest/getting-started/cli-parameters/). I've never heard reports of problems with the file chooser in the Flatpak version, but I guess that is handled by the desktop environment, so I guess it's a Deepin + Qt + Flatpak problem.

pbek commented 4 years ago

I will close this issue until there is more information.