pbek / QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
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External editing is reported even though there is not external editing in place #2027

Closed fthommen closed 2 years ago

fthommen commented 3 years ago

Problem Description

While typing in QOwnNotes (version 21.1.8, build 809, running on macOS 11 Big Sur) I am constantly bothered with notifications, that some "external editing" has happened and if I want to accept the changes (mostly w/o showing me any of these changes). There is no external editing in place. The notes are only opened with QOwnNotes and no other editor and they reside in a local folder which is not touched by any cloud client software. nextCloud/Ownloud integration is not enabled (has initially been enabed, didn't work and has since been disabled in the application settings)

Information about the application, settings and environment

Expand QOwnNotes Debug Information =========================== ## General Info **Current Date**: `Wed Jan 27 19:56:52 2021` **Version**: `21.1.8` **Build date**: `Jan 26 2021` **Build number**: `809` **Platform**: `macosx` **Operating System**: `macOS 11.1` **Build architecture**: `x86_64` **Current architecture**: `x86_64` **Release**: `GitHub Actions` **Qt Version (build)**: `5.15.2` **Qt Version (runtime)**: `5.15.2` **Portable mode**: `no` **Settings path / key**: `/Users/XXXX/Library/Preferences/com.pbe.QOwnNotes.plist` **Application database path**: `/Users/XXXX/Library/Application Support/PBE/QOwnNotes/QOwnNotes.sqlite` **Application arguments**: `/Users/XXXX/My Applications/QOwnNotes.app/Contents/MacOS/QOwnNotes` **Qt Debug**: `0` **Locale (system)**: `en_DE` **Locale (interface)**: *empty* **Primary screen resolution**: `1440x900` **Screen resolution(s)**: `1440x900, 1920x1200` **Icon theme**: `breeze-qownnotes` **Notes in current note folder**: `4` **Calendar items**: `0` **Enabled scripts**: `0` ## Server Info **serverUrl**: `https://XXXXXXX` **appIsValid**: `no` **notesPathExists**: *empty* **connectionErrorMessage**: *empty* ## Spellchecking **Enabled**: `false` **Selected language**: *empty* **Language codes**: *empty* **Language names**: *empty* **Application dictionaries path**: `/Users/XXXX/Library/Application Support/PBE/QOwnNotes/dicts` ## Note folders **currentNoteFolderId**: `1` ### Note folder `default` **id**: `1` **isCurrent**: `yes` **activeTagId**: `0` **localPath**: `/Users/XXXX/ownCloud/Notes` **remotePath**: `Notes` **cloudConnectionId**: `1` **isShowSubfolders**: `yes` **isUseGit**: `no` **activeNoteSubFolder name**: `XXXX` **database file**: `/Users/XXXX/ownCloud/Notes/notes.sqlite` ## Cloud connections ### Cloud connection `XXXX` **id**: `1` **isCurrent**: `yes` **serverUrl**: `https://XXXXXXXX` **username**: `XXXX` ## Enabled scripts ## Settings **6989 Intenso Rainbow Line** (QString): `1` **AKLastCheckInAttemptDate** (QDateTime): `2020-10-18T19:24:45.617` **AKLastCheckInSuccessDate** (QDateTime): `2020-10-18T19:24:46.734` **AKLastEmailListRequestDateKey** (QDateTime): `2019-02-06T22:15:06.410` **AKLastIDMSEnvironment** (qlonglong): `0` **ALCOR Intenso Ultra Line** (QString): `1` **ASIX Elec/ Corp/ AX88179** (QString): `1` **AboutDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **ActiveNoteHistoryItem** (NoteHistoryItem): `` **Country** (QString): `DE` **Creative Technology Ltd/ VF0700 Live! Cam Chat HD** (QString): `1` **DYMO LabelWriter 450 DUO** (QString): `1` **Debug/fakeOldVersionNumber** (bool): `false` **Debug/fileLogging** (bool): `false` **Editor/CurrentSchemaKey** (QString): `EditorColorSchema-6033d61b-cb96-46d5-a3a8-20d5172017eb` **Editor/autoBracketClosing** (bool): `true` **Editor/autoBracketRemoval** (bool): `true` **Editor/disableCursorBlinking** (bool): `false` **Editor/editorWidthInDFMOnly** (bool): `true` **Editor/highlightCurrentLine** (bool): `true` **Editor/indentSize** (qlonglong): `4` **Editor/removeTrailingSpaces** (bool): `false` **Editor/useTabIndent** (bool): `false` **Editor/vimMode** (bool): `false` **Fairphone FP2** (QString): `1` **Generic External** (QString): `1` **Generic Mass Storage** (QString): `1` **Generic Mass Storage Device** (QString): `1` **HP OfficeJet Pro 6960** (QString): `1` **InitialKeyRepeat** (qlonglong): `25` **Intenso External USB 3/0** (QString): `1` **IssueAssistantDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **KeyRepeat** (qlonglong): `2` **LastUpdateCheck** (QDateTime): `2021-01-27T19:46:13.457` **LogWidget/criticalLog** (bool): `true` **LogWidget/debugLog** (bool): `true` **LogWidget/fatalLog** (bool): `true` **LogWidget/infoLog** (bool): `true` **LogWidget/scriptingLog** (bool): `true` **LogWidget/statusLog** (bool): `true` **LogWidget/warningLog** (bool): `true` **MainWindow/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **MainWindow/mainToolBar.iconSize** (qlonglong): `32` **MainWindow/menuBarGeometry** (QByteArray): `` **MainWindow/noteTextEdit.code.font** (QString): `.AppleSystemUIFontMonospaced,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextEdit.font** (QString): `.AppleSystemUIFont,13,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextView.code.font** (QString): `.AppleSystemUIFontMonospaced,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextView.font** (QString): `.AppleSystemUIFont,13,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextView.ignoreCodeFontSize** (bool): `true` **MainWindow/noteTextView.rtl** (bool): `false` **MainWindow/noteTextView.underline** (bool): `true` **MainWindow/noteTextView.useEditorStyles** (bool): `true` **MainWindow/noteTextView.useInternalExportStyling** (bool): `true` **MainWindow/showNotesFromAllNoteSubFolders** (bool): `false` **MultipleSessionEnabled** (bool): `false` **NoteDiffDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **NoteFolder-1/NoteTabNameList** (QStringList): `XXXXXXXXXXXX` **NoteFolder-1/NoteTabStickinessList** (QStringList): *empty* **NoteFolder-1/NoteTabSubFolderPathDataList** (QStringList): `XXXX` **NoteHistory-1** (QVariantList): `` **NoteHistoryCurrentIndex-1** (qlonglong): `14` **PKSecureElementAvailableFlagsByHost** (qlonglong): `1` **PiwikClientId** (QString): `` **RICOH MP C4504ex** (QString): `1` **SMI Corporation Intenso Ultra Line** (QString): `1` **ScriptRepositoryDialog/mainSplitterState** (QByteArray): `` **Seagate Expansion+** (QString): `1` **SearchEngineId** (qlonglong): `0` **SettingsDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **SettingsDialog/mainSplitterState** (QByteArray): `` **ShowSystemTray** (bool): `false` **StarTech/com USB Crash Cart Adapter** (QString): `1` **StartHidden** (bool): `false` **StoreJet Transcend StoreJet Transcend** (QString): `1` **TOSHIBA External USB 3/0** (QString): `1` **TrekStor USB-Stick CS TrekStor USB-Stick CS** (QString): `1` **USBest Technology USB Mass Storage Device** (QString): `1` **UpdateDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **Verbatim STORE N GO** (QString): `1` **WebAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled** (bool): `true` **WelcomeDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **Western Digital My Book 25EE** (QString): `1` **_HIHideMenuBar** (bool): `false` **acceptAllExternalModifications** (bool): `false` **allowNoteEditing** (bool): `true` **allowOnlyOneAppInstance** (bool): `false` **appMetrics/disableAppHeartbeat** (bool): `false` **appMetrics/disableTracking** (bool): `false` **appMetrics/notificationShown** (bool): `true` **automaticNoteFolderDatabaseClosing** (bool): `false` **checkSpelling** (bool): `false` **closeTodoListAfterSave** (bool): `false` **com/omnigroup/OmniGraffle6:6:2** (QByteArray): `` **cryptoKey** (qlonglong): `` **currentNoteFolderId** (qlonglong): `1` **currentWorkspace** (QString): `initial` **cursorWidth** (qlonglong): `1` **customNoteFileExtensionList** (QStringList): *empty* **darkMode** (bool): `false` **darkModeColors** (bool): `false` **darkModeIconTheme** (bool): `false` **darkModeTrayIcon** (bool): `false` **defaultNoteFileExtension** (QString): `md` **demoNotesCreated** (bool): `true` **disableAutomaticUpdateDialog** (bool): `true` **disableSavedSearchesAutoCompletion** (bool): `false` **dockWasInitializedOnce** (bool): `true` **enableNoteTree** (bool): `false` **enableSocketServer** (bool): `true` **externalEditorPath** (QString): *empty* **fullyHighlightedBlockquotes** (bool): `false` **gitCommitInterval** (qlonglong): `30` **gitExecutablePath** (QString): *empty* **gitLogCommand** (QString): *empty* **guiFirstRunInit** (bool): `true` **ignoreAllExternalModifications** (bool): `false` **ignoreAllExternalNoteFolderChanges** (bool): `false` **ignoreNoteSubFolders** (QString): `^\.` **imageScaleDown** (bool): `false` **imageScaleDownMaximumHeight** (qlonglong): `1024` **imageScaleDownMaximumWidth** (qlonglong): `1024` **initialLayoutIdentifier** (QString): `full` **insertTimeFormat** (QString): *empty* **interfaceFontSize** (qlonglong): `11` **interfaceLanguage** (QString): *empty* **internalIconTheme** (bool): `false` **itemHeight** (qlonglong): `18` **legacyLinking** (bool): `false` **localTrash/autoCleanupDays** (qlonglong): `30` **localTrash/autoCleanupEnabled** (bool): `true` **localTrash/supportEnabled** (bool): `true` **markdownHighlightingEnabled** (bool): `true` **navigationPanelHideSearch** (bool): `false` **networking/ignoreSSLErrors** (bool): `true` **networking/proxyType** (qlonglong): `2` **newNoteAskHeadline** (bool): `false` **noteEditIsCentralWidget** (bool): `true` **noteListPreview** (bool): `false` **noteSaveIntervalTime** (qlonglong): `10` **noteSubfoldersPanelDisplayAsFullTree** (bool): `true` **noteSubfoldersPanelHideSearch** (bool): `false` **noteSubfoldersPanelOrder** (qlonglong): `0` **noteSubfoldersPanelShowFullPath** (bool): `false` **noteSubfoldersPanelShowNotesRecursively** (bool): `false` **noteSubfoldersPanelShowRootFolderName** (bool): `true` **noteSubfoldersPanelSort** (qlonglong): `0` **notesPanelOrder** (qlonglong): `0` **notesPanelSort** (qlonglong): `1` **notesPath** (QString): `/Users/XXXX/ownCloud/Notes` **notifyAllExternalModifications** (bool): `false` **overrideInterfaceFontSize** (bool): `false` **ownCloud/supportEnabled** (bool): `false` **ownCloud/todoCalendarBackend** (qlonglong): `3` **ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVPassword** (QString): `` **ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVServerUrl** (QString): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVUsername** (QString): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarCloudConnectionId** (qlonglong): `1` **ownCloud/todoCalendarDisplayNameList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledUrlList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarUrlList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloudInfo/appIsValid** (bool): `false` **ownCloudInfo/connectionErrorMessage** (QString): *empty* **ownCloudInfo/notesPathExistsText** (QString): *empty* **ownCloudInfo/serverVersion** (QString): *empty* **restoreCursorPosition** (bool): `false` **restoreLastNoteAtStartup** (bool): `true` **restoreNoteTabs** (bool): `true` **savedSearches/noteFolder-1** (QStringList): `Note 2021-01-27T18.23.59, Note 2021-01-20T18.49.49, Note 2021-01-20T18.22.05, Note 2021-01-12T22.07.33` **showMatches** (bool): `true` **showMenuBar** (bool): `false` **showStatusBar** (bool): `true` **systemIconTheme** (bool): `false` **taggingShowNotesRecursively** (bool): `false` **tagsPanelHideNoteCount** (bool): `false` **tagsPanelHideSearch** (bool): `false` **tagsPanelOrder** (qlonglong): `0` **tagsPanelSort** (qlonglong): `0` **todoCalendarSupport** (bool): `true` **toolbar/1/items** (QStringList): `action_New_note, action_Find_note, action_Remove_note, action_Open_note_in_external_editor, actionShow_local_trash, actionAllow_note_editing, , action_Back_in_note_history, action_Forward_in_note_history, , action_Find_text_in_note, actionReplace_in_current_note, , actionShow_versions, actionShow_trash, actionShare_note, , actionOpen_List` **toolbar/1/name** (QString): `mainToolBar` **toolbar/1/title** (QString): `main toolbar` **toolbar/2/items** (QStringList): `actionFormat_text_bold, actionFormat_text_italic, actionStrike_out_text, actionInsert_code_block, actionInsert_block_quote` **toolbar/2/name** (QString): `formattingToolbar` **toolbar/2/title** (QString): `formatting toolbar` **toolbar/3/items** (QStringList): `actionInsert_Link_to_note, actionInsert_image, actionInsert_current_time` **toolbar/3/name** (QString): `insertingToolbar` **toolbar/3/title** (QString): `inserting toolbar` **toolbar/4/items** (QStringList): `action_Encrypt_note, actionEdit_encrypted_note, actionDecrypt_note` **toolbar/4/name** (QString): `encryptionToolbar` **toolbar/4/title** (QString): `encryption toolbar` **toolbar/5/items** (QStringList): `actionWorkspaceComboBox, actionStore_as_new_workspace, actionRemove_current_workspace, actionRename_current_workspace, actionSwitch_to_previous_workspace, actionUnlock_panels, , actionToggle_distraction_free_mode, action_Increase_note_text_size, action_Decrease_note_text_size, action_Reset_note_text_size` **toolbar/5/name** (QString): `windowToolbar` **toolbar/5/title** (QString): `window toolbar` **toolbar/6/items** (QStringList): `action_Quit` **toolbar/6/name** (QString): `quitToolbar` **toolbar/6/title** (QString): `quit toolbar` **toolbar/size** (qlonglong): `6` **useNoteFolderButtons** (bool): `false` **useUNIXNewline** (bool): `false` **webSocketServerService/bookmarksNoteName** (QString): `Bookmarks` **webSocketServerService/bookmarksTag** (QString): `bookmarks` **webSocketServerService/port** (qlonglong): `22222` **workspace-initial/name** (QString): `Full` **workspace-initial/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible** (bool): `true` **workspace-initial/windowState** (QByteArray): `` **workspaces** (QStringList): `initial` ## System environment **PWD**: `/var/folders/z6/cwyqhprd73l06g1rqsqglmc80000gp/T/tmp.ovrOzwZi` **USER**: `XXXX` **COMMAND_MODE**: `unix2003` **__CFBundleIdentifier**: `com.PBE.QOwnNotes` **LOGNAME**: `XXXX` **TERM**: `xterm-256color` **DISPLAY**: `/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.1TJa52ZiLH/org.macosforge.xquartz:0` **PATH**: `//anaconda/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/Little Snitch.app/Contents/Components:/opt/X11/bin` **SHLVL**: `2` **TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION**: `440` **SSH_AUTH_SOCK**: `/private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.szQ8iuXsHY/Listeners` **TERM_SESSION_ID**: `F77A8EEB-9555-4A6C-8F58-39024421EFFE` **HOME**: `/Users/XXXX` **_**: `/usr/bin/open` **SHELL**: `/bin/bash` **OLDPWD**: `/Users/XXXX` **__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING**: `0x1F6:0x0:0x0` **TMPDIR**: `/var/folders/z6/cwyqhprd73l06g1rqsqglmc80000gp/T/` **TERM_PROGRAM**: `Apple_Terminal` **XPC_SERVICE_NAME**: `application.com.PBE.QOwnNotes.12897859049.12898616178` **XPC_FLAGS**: `0x0` **QT_LOGGING_RULES**: `qt.network.ssl.warning=false`
pbek commented 3 years ago

That's a thing macOS often does... see #1763 and others... Best turn off the external modification check.

fthommen commented 3 years ago

ok, will do. Thank you for your quick answer.

pbek commented 2 years ago

@fthommen, @proazr, @yunesj, @cls-nebadje, @minthemiddle

Could you please enable the external modification checks again and try 21.10.15?


pbek commented 2 years ago

There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if it works for you?

pbek commented 2 years ago

@olegbc1, @netguerrilla12, @mcmc , @marisradu, @CraftingGamerTom, @nils-se, @mid1221213, @ruapho, maybe also still relevant to you...

pbek commented 2 years ago


pbek commented 2 years ago

There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if it works for you?

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

I appreciate you continuing to work on these issues, even if they're not high priority. Unfortunately, I've decided to not continue using QOwn Notes. QON has the best UI of all of the MD notes tools I've looked at. Period. However, there were other larger issues which I couldn't get around.

The largest issues was the numerous reloads it does when I make the slightest note change. That just makes it too slow for me to use. And that was with only 5K notes imported into QON. That was less than half of my notes. I reported that issue to you elsewhere in GitHub.

The other large issue I haven't reported to you. QON recently made a huge mess of my tagging, making over 4K notes untagged. I have no idea when or how it happened and it's unlikely I can reproduce it. It would also be too time consuming to fix it. So I made the decision to move to another MD platform.

pbek commented 2 years ago

QON recently made a huge mess of my tagging, making over 4K notes untagged.

I imagine that could only happen if all your notes would be gone from your note folder.... Don't you have a backup from the notes.sqlite in your note folder? All tags are stored there (if you don't store them inside the note).

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

Like I said, I don't know how or when it happened. I do have backups, of course. I do a full backup monthly and a differential backup every week that I don't do a full backup. But it's no longer worth the effort to me to try this figure this out. I've already moved several thousand notes to Obsidian.

pbek commented 2 years ago

Yeah, of course. I was just curious, because I never had any report that someone was loosing their tags.

pbek commented 2 years ago

I will close this issue until there is more information.

fthommen commented 2 years ago

fine for me. I tested the new release and haven't seen the issue so far. However in the meantime I switched to directly work in NextCloud (that and GitLab are the only places I have MD files) and hardly use QOwnNotes locally any more. Thanks for your effort anyway

pbek commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. What are you using directly on Nextcloud, if I may ask? Nextcloud Notes?

fthommen commented 2 years ago

I'm simply using the Markdown Editor app :-)

pbek commented 2 years ago

Nice enough 😁 I myself like the "offline-experience" of a desktop application.