Closed diluex closed 8 years ago
Hi @diluex, thank you for your report!
How many calendar items (vtodo, vjournal and vevent) do you have in this calendar (todo list) on your ownCloud server? Did you wait long enough so that all items could be loaded from the server? Tags and the kind should not be a problem, they are just attributes in the ics-"file" that comes from the server...
Could I get by any chance access to the calendar so I may take a look at the missing items. Or could you at least export the todo items that are missing as ics?
The brand-new QOwnNotes v0.63 has a lot of performance improvements concerning todo lists, you may want to try it out.
sorry, exporting does not work as it is not implemented in the tasks plus app. only 10/13 tasks are listed. the three have the same deadline (02/29/2016) in common. does that help? same problem with v. 0.63. thank you in advance
You can export the calendar as ics in calendar plus, they use the same data sources. Using this deadline didn't make any problems for me...
I think I found something by myself. Can you please try out version 0.64. And Merry Christmas! :)
I'm closing this issue now, please reopen it if you still have troubles.
Not every task ist listed in the todo list windows for me. obviously it isn't a case of tags or other comments. one of two similar tasks is not shown.