pbek / QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[SUPPORT] Folders and more #2863

Closed mpinsley closed 11 months ago

mpinsley commented 11 months ago


I am brand new to QOwnNotes

I downloaded it, and put it on my windows computer

One of the things I wanted to do is to bring in my notes from Evernote. I exported Evernote and then imported into QNote

I didn't realize that I should have created a new folder for the Evernote notes, so now they are all in the default folder

  1. I tried created a new folder, but I am not seeing the folder on any of the left hand menus
  2. I do see the folder in a dropdown, but it doesn't seem to do anything
  3. How do I create folders and subfolders in order to put my Evernotebooks into a similar structure.
  4. When exporting an importing the next evernote note book. Should I first create the folder,
  5. If so, how do I import into that new folder

Here is what I see https://capture.dropbox.com/4rtqchNRnLODx8Eq

The second set of questions

  1. The dropdowns do not seem to stay open when I click on them the close before I can make a selection
  2. Is there a way to change that?

The third set of questions

  1. Is there a way to show line numbers, similar to what is on GitHub
  2. If so how do I turn that on

The fourth set,

  1. If I want to download documents from github or have github as my main repository
  2. What do I need to do
  3. I don't currently use Git I am assuming I would have to down load that?
  4. If so is there a video you could recommend


pbek commented 11 months ago

I didn't realize that I should have created a new folder for the Evernote notes, so now they are all in the default folder

Yes, all notes are imported to the note folder, but you can just right-click them and move them to another subfolder, image and attachment links will be adapted.

pbek commented 11 months ago

The dropdowns do not seem to stay open when I click on them the close before I can make a selection

please elaborate on that

Is there a way to show line numbers, similar to what is on GitHub

yes, search for "line numbers" in the settings

If I want to download documents from github or have github as my main repository

I'm not sure on what do you want to achieve? Pushing all your notes to git? The note folder is just a folder with Markdown files, you can do that with git tools? And you can download and copy other Markdown files from GitHub as much as you like...

mpinsley commented 11 months ago

Thank you. I put together a short video to show you what I mean by the drop down and the folders


On the git, I have never used it before. So maybe I am just asking a silly question. I saw there was some set up in the tool, but I am not sure what I am setting up. I use github to keep documents. I am not a programmer. I am just using it a a depository of markdown files

So is there something I should be doing there?

The dropdowns do not seem to stay open when I click on them the close before I can make a selection

please elaborate on that

Is there a way to show line numbers, similar to what is on GitHub

yes, search for "line numbers" in the settings

If I want to download documents from github or have github as my main repository

I'm not sure on what do you want to achieve? Pushing all your notes to git? The note folder is just a folder with Markdown files, you can do that with git tools? And you can download and copy other Markdown files from GitHub as much as you lik

mpinsley commented 11 months ago

Also, please note in the video, I don't have this section https://capture.dropbox.com/mQCIQhWccwvknAR2

pbek commented 11 months ago

Also, please note in the video, I don't have this section

You need to turn on subfolders for your note folder. Best search for "subfolder" in the settings.

pbek commented 11 months ago


Hm, are you (or your mouse) double-clicking on the drop-boxes? Drop-boxes don't close on themselves, usually. Are you sure you that you are actually using different folders in your two note folders? You never shared your settings dump in this issue...

Can you please post the output from the debug settings that you can copy when you get into the settings dialog in QOwnNotes and head over to the Debug section of it.

On the git, I have never used it before. So maybe I am just asking a silly question. I saw there was some set up in the tool, but I am not sure what I am setting up. I use github to keep documents. I am not a programmer. I am just using it a a depository of markdown files

Git is not easy to understand. Are you sure you want to go through all the troubles learning it? šŸ˜ Best use Dropbox to sync your note files to, you already seem to use Dropbox.

mpinsley commented 11 months ago

Ok I must admit, I must be an idiot, as I searched. I saw the three areas where subfolders are. But I can not figure out how to create a folder and a subfolder.

Did I turn this on correctly? It said experimental


I am okay using Dropbox, but what I like about github is the ability to go backwards in time. Does dropbox have that facility? For now, I can live without it.

Here is the dump. I am not double-clicking on the mouse. . For whatever reason, it keeps closing

QOwnNotes Debug Information

General Info

Current Date: Wed Sep 27 23:05:15 2023 Version: 23.9.7 Build date: Sep 24 2023 Build number: 1058 Platform: windows Operating System: Windows 10 Version 2009 Build architecture: x86_64 Current architecture: x86_64 Release: GitHub Actions Qt Version (build): 5.15.2 Qt Version (runtime): 5.15.2 Portable mode: no Settings path / key: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PBE\QOwnNotes Application database path: C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Roaming\PBE\QOwnNotes\QOwnNotes.sqlite Application arguments: C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Applications\Qnotes\QOwnNotes.exe, C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Applications\Qnotes\QOwnNotes.exe, --allow-multiple-instances Qt Debug: 0 Locale (system): en_US Locale (interface): en Primary screen resolution: 1920x1080 Icon theme: breeze-qownnotes Notes in current note folder: 268 Calendar items: 0 Enabled scripts: 0

Server Info

serverUrl: empty appIsValid: no notesPathExists: empty connectionErrorMessage: empty


Enabled: false Selected language: empty Language codes: empty Language names: empty Application dictionaries path: C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Roaming\PBE\QOwnNotes\dicts

Note folders

currentNoteFolderId: 1

Note folder default

id: 1 isCurrent: yes activeTagId: -1 localPath: C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Private\QnotesDocs remotePath: Notes cloudConnectionId: 1 isShowSubfolders: yes isUseGit: no allowDifferentNoteFileName: no activeNoteSubFolder name: empty database file: C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Private\QnotesDocs\notes.sqlite

Note folder Race 2023

id: 2 isCurrent: no activeTagId: 0 localPath: C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Private\QnotesDocs remotePath: Notes cloudConnectionId: 1 isShowSubfolders: yes isUseGit: yes allowDifferentNoteFileName: yes activeNoteSubFolder name: empty database file: C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Private\QnotesDocs\notes.sqlite

Cloud connections

Cloud connection Default

id: 1 isCurrent: yes serverUrl: empty username: empty accountId: empty

Enabled scripts


ActiveNoteHistoryItem (NoteHistoryItem): <binary data> Debug/fakeOldVersionNumber (QString): false Debug/fileLogging (QString): false Editor/CurrentSchemaKey (QString): EditorColorSchema-6033d61b-cb96-46d5-a3a8-20d5172017eb Editor/autoBracketClosing (QString): true Editor/autoBracketRemoval (QString): true Editor/disableCursorBlinking (QString): false Editor/editorWidthInDFMOnly (QString): true Editor/highlightCurrentLine (QString): true Editor/indentSize (int): 4 Editor/removeTrailingSpaces (QString): false Editor/showLineNumbers (QString): true Editor/useTabIndent (QString): false Editor/vimMode (QString): false EvernoteImport/AttachmentImportCheckBoxChecked (QString): true EvernoteImport/ImageImportCheckBoxChecked (QString): true EvernoteImport/MetaDataUnCheckedList (QStringList): , EvernoteImportDialog/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> FileDialog/LastPath (QString): C:/Users/mpins/Downloads FileDialog/LastPath-Evernote Import (QString): C:/Users/mpins/Downloads FileDialog/LastPath-ImportTextFiles (QString): C:/Users/mpins/Downloads FileDialog/LastPath-NoteMarkdownExport (QString): C:/Users/mpins/Downloads IssueAssistantDialog/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> LastUpdateCheck (QDateTime): 2023-09-27T22:57:13.616 MainWindow/geometry (QByteArray): <binary data> MainWindow/mainToolBar.iconSize (int): 30 MainWindow/menuBarGeometry (QByteArray): <binary data> MainWindow/noteTextEdit.code.font (QString): Courier New,11,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextEdit.font (QString): MS Shell Dlg 2,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.code.font (QString): Courier New,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.font (QString): MS Shell Dlg 2,7.8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.ignoreCodeFontSize (QString): true MainWindow/noteTextView.refreshDebounceTime (int): 600 MainWindow/noteTextView.rtl (QString): false MainWindow/noteTextView.underline (QString): true MainWindow/noteTextView.useEditorStyles (QString): true 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newNoteAskHeadline (QString): false noteEditIsCentralWidget (QString): true noteFileExtensionList (QStringList): md, txt noteListPreview (QString): false noteSaveIntervalTime (int): 10 noteSubfoldersPanelDisplayAsFullTree (QString): true noteSubfoldersPanelHideSearch (QString): false noteSubfoldersPanelOrder (int): 0 noteSubfoldersPanelShowFullPath (QString): false noteSubfoldersPanelShowNotesRecursively (QString): true noteSubfoldersPanelShowRootFolderName (QString): true noteSubfoldersPanelSort (int): 0 notesPanelOrder (int): 0 notesPanelSort (int): 1 notesPath (QString): C:/Users/mpins/Google Drive/Private/QnotesDocs notifyAllExternalModifications (QString): false overrideInterfaceFontSize (QString): false ownCloud/supportEnabled (QString): false ownCloud/todoCalendarBackend (int): 3 ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVPassword (QString): <hidden> ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVServerUrl (QString): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVUsername (QString): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarCloudConnectionId (int): 1 ownCloud/todoCalendarDisplayNameList (QStringList): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledList (QStringList): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledUrlList (QStringList): empty ownCloud/todoCalendarUrlList (QStringList): empty ownCloudInfo/appIsValid (QString): false ownCloudInfo/connectionErrorMessage (QString): empty ownCloudInfo/notesPathExistsText (QString): empty ownCloudInfo/serverVersion (QString): empty restoreCursorPosition (QString): true restoreLastNoteAtStartup (QString): true restoreNoteTabs (QString): true savedSearches/noteFolder-1 (QStringList): Note 2023-09-27T22.52.38, Mark, Legal Defamation, LVHN Update Board (3) showMatches (QString): true showMenuBar (QString): true showStatusBar (QString): true startInReadOnlyMode (QString): false systemIconTheme (QString): false taggingShowNotesRecursively (QString): false tagsPanelHideNoteCount (QString): false tagsPanelHideSearch (QString): false tagsPanelOrder (int): 0 tagsPanelSort (int): 0 todoCalendarSupport (QString): true toolbar/1/items (QStringList): action_New_note, action_Find_note, action_Remove_note, action_Open_note_in_external_editor, actionShow_local_trash, actionAllow_note_editing, , action_Back_in_note_history, action_Forward_in_note_history, , action_Find_text_in_note, actionReplace_in_current_note, , actionShow_versions, actionShow_trash, actionShare_note, , actionShow_Todo_List toolbar/1/name (QString): mainToolBar toolbar/1/title (QString): main toolbar toolbar/2/items (QStringList): actionFormat_text_bold, actionFormat_text_italic, actionStrike_out_text, actionInsert_code_block, actionInsert_block_quote toolbar/2/name (QString): formattingToolbar toolbar/2/title (QString): formatting toolbar toolbar/3/items (QStringList): actionInsert_text_link, actionInsert_image, actionInsert_current_time toolbar/3/name (QString): insertingToolbar toolbar/3/title (QString): inserting toolbar toolbar/4/items (QStringList): action_Encrypt_note, actionEdit_encrypted_note, actionDecrypt_note toolbar/4/name (QString): encryptionToolbar toolbar/4/title (QString): encryption toolbar toolbar/5/items (QStringList): actionWorkspaceComboBox, actionStore_as_new_workspace, actionRemove_current_workspace, actionRename_current_workspace, actionSwitch_to_previous_workspace, actionUnlock_panels, , actionToggle_distraction_free_mode, action_Increase_note_text_size, action_Decrease_note_text_size, action_Reset_note_text_size toolbar/5/name (QString): windowToolbar toolbar/5/title (QString): window toolbar toolbar/6/items (QStringList): action_Quit toolbar/6/name (QString): quitToolbar toolbar/6/title (QString): quit toolbar toolbar/size (int): 6 useNoteFolderButtons (QString): false useUNIXNewline (QString): false webAppClientService/serverUrl (QString): wss://app.qownnotes.org webAppClientService/token (QString): <hidden> webSocketServerService/bookmarksNoteName (QString): Bookmarks webSocketServerService/bookmarksTag (QString): bookmarks webSocketServerService/commandSnippetsNoteName (QString): Commands webSocketServerService/commandSnippetsTag (QString): commands webSocketServerService/port (int): 22222 workspace-initial/name (QString): Full workspace-initial/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible (QString): true workspace-initial/windowState (QByteArray): <binary data> workspaces (QStringList): initial

System environment

ALLUSERSPROFILE: C:\ProgramData APPDATA: C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Roaming asl.log: Destination=file CommonProgramFiles: C:\Program Files\Common Files CommonProgramFiles(x86): C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files CommonProgramW6432: C:\Program Files\Common Files COMPUTERNAME: LAPTOP-76BMI4HN ComSpec: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe DriverData: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData EFC_8376: 1 HOMEDRIVE: C: HOMEPATH: \Users\mpins LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Local LOGONSERVER: \\LAPTOP-76BMI4HN NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: 8 OneDrive: C:\Users\mpins\OneDrive OneDriveConsumer: C:\Users\mpins\OneDrive OS: Windows_NT Path: C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Pandoc\;C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\;C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\;C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps; PATHEXT: .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE: AMD64 PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER: Intel64 Family 6 Model 140 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel PROCESSOR_LEVEL: 6 PROCESSOR_REVISION: 8c01 ProgramData: C:\ProgramData ProgramFiles: C:\Program Files ProgramFiles(x86): C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432: C:\Program Files PSModulePath: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules PUBLIC: C:\Users\Public SESSIONNAME: Console SystemDrive: C: SystemRoot: C:\WINDOWS TEMP: C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Local\Temp TMP: C:\Users\mpins\AppData\Local\Temp USERDOMAIN: LAPTOP-76BMI4HN USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE: LAPTOP-76BMI4HN USERNAME: mpins USERPROFILE: C:\Users\mpins windir: C:\WINDOWS ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN: 1 __COMPAT_LAYER: DetectorsAppHealth

pbek commented 11 months ago

Did I turn this on correctly? It said experimental

subfolders are not experimental, just the feature to show subfolders and notes in the same panel

isShowSubfolders: yes

your settings say you have turned them on

Did I turn this on correctly?


Here is the dump. I am not double-clicking on the mouse. . For whatever reason, it keeps closing

I'm sorry, I've never seen this and I can't explain it šŸ˜…

I am okay using Dropbox, but what I like about github is the ability to go backwards in time. Does dropbox have that facility? For now, I can live without it.

I'm pretty sure Dropbox has file versioning. Nextcloud has (and the versioning of Nextcloud is supported by QOwnNotes)! Git works pretty differently, the versioning is not file-based, it's repository-based. And you need to take care of conflicts yourself!

mpinsley commented 11 months ago

Ok so if I have subfolders and folders turned on how do i use them. I want to have the subfolders first so that I can import my Evernote files


pbek commented 11 months ago

There is no subfolder import in the Evernote importer, if that was the question... I don't know how folders are implemented in Evernote.

mpinsley commented 11 months ago

Apologies for any confusion earlier. To clarify my query: I'm capable of exporting a folder individually from Evernote. My intention is to subsequently establish a corresponding folder in QownNotes where I can import all contents originally housed in the Evernote folder.

However, Iā€™m encountering challenges with establishing and organizing folders and subfolders within QownNotes. I've provided a visual representation of my dilemma in a video linked at the end of our previous conversation thread. If you could take a moment to review this, it illustrates the specific issues Iā€™m experiencing. Your insights on how to efficiently structure and import my folders from Evernote to QownNotes would be immensely appreciated.

pbek commented 11 months ago

The Evernote import imports the notes to the note folder itself. You need to move them to note subfolders after the import. does that answer your question

mpinsley commented 11 months ago

Ok so just to be clear

  1. There is no way to pull evernote file directly into a sub-folder, I must first import them into the main folder and then move them to the sub folder?
  2. If 1 is true, is there a way to sort by import date so i don't have to make sure I am not importing notes that I want to keep in th remain folder
  3. Can you explain these 4 section. I really don't understand number 4 as when I change the dropdown nothing seems to happen https://capture.dropbox.com/pYEFk3NEuM5Rlgh5
pbek commented 11 months ago

There is no way to pull evernote file directly into a sub-folder, I must first import them into the main folder and then move them to the sub folder?

Yes, I just tested. But I can change it, so it would import into the current sub-folder.

Can you explain these 4 section. I really don't understand number 4 as when I change the dropdown nothing seems to happen https://capture.dropbox.com/pYEFk3NEuM5Rlgh5

You have setup two note folders, but they point to the same physical folder localPath: C:\Users\mpins\Google Drive\Private\QnotesDocs.

pbek commented 11 months ago


pbek commented 11 months ago

There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if it works for you?