pbek / QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
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Tags not working for notes in sub-folders between windows and Ubuntu Linux #358

Closed Amourspirit closed 7 years ago

Amourspirit commented 7 years ago

I just installed QOwnNotes on Windows 8, Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

I created a Projects folder and then I created a sub folder named Test in the Projects Folder.

While using Ubuntu I created notes in the Test folder and added a few tags. All seems to work well until I view the note using QOwnNotes on Windows 8 or 10. The tags are missing.

When I add the tags in Windows they are missing in Ubuntu. The tags are displayed in the Tags Panel but are not displayed on the note.

In short when tags are placed on a note in a sub-folder in Ubuntu they can only be seen in Ubuntu. When tags are placed on a note in a sub-folder in Windows they can only be seen in windows.

I was able to track the problem down using a sqlite browser.

The Issue seems to be in the path separator used on Ubuntu ( / ) and Windows ( \ ). Checking the noteTagLink table I can see that tag info is stored in note_subfolder_path. In Windows the field might contain Projects\Test but in Ubuntu in might be Projects/Test

By editing notes.sqlite database for the notes I was able to get tags to display in Ubuntu when I changed \ ( backslash ) to / ( forward slash ) . Projects\Test became Projects/Test in the note_subfolder_path field and vise versa for Windows.

pbek commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reporting. I thought I had taken care of that, I will take a look at it.

pbek commented 7 years ago

Could you please post the debug dump from your debug settings, I need to take a look at your paths.

pbek commented 7 years ago

And afterwards could you please go to the note folder settings and set your notes path again. Does the tagging work now in Windows and Linux? Could you then please post an other debug dump?

pbek commented 7 years ago

For my last two comments I was both times referring to your Windows installation of QOwnNotes.

pbek commented 7 years ago


pbek commented 7 years ago

There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if the new features work for you? (you can ignore my other comments if it works now)

Amourspirit commented 7 years ago

here is my debug dump from Ubuntu

QOwnNotes Debug Information

General Info

Current Date: Thu Oct 13 11:42:22 2016 Version: 16.10.3 Build date: Oct 11 2016 Build number: 249 Platform: linux Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Build architecture: x86_64 Current architecture: x86_64 Release: Launchpad PPA Qt Version (build): 5.5.1 Qt Version (runtime): 5.5.1 Portable mode: no Qt Debug: 0 Locale (system): en_CA Locale (interface): en Icon theme: breeze-dark-qownnotes Notes in current note folder: 8 Enabled scripts: 0

Server Info

serverUrl: empty appIsValid: no connectionErrorMessage: empty

Note folders

currentNoteFolderId: 2

Note folder Root

id: 1 isCurrent: no activeTagId: 0 localPath: /home/paul/Nextcloud/Notes remotePath: Notes isShowSubfolders: no activeNoteSubFolder name: empty

Note folder General

id: 2 isCurrent: yes activeTagId: 0 localPath: /home/paul/Nextcloud/Notes/General remotePath: Notes/General isShowSubfolders: yes activeNoteSubFolder name: empty

Note folder Programming

id: 3 isCurrent: no activeTagId: -1 localPath: /home/paul/Nextcloud/Notes/Dev remotePath: Notes/Dev isShowSubfolders: yes activeNoteSubFolder name: empty


Editor/CurrentSchemaKey: EditorColorSchema-cdbf28fc-1ddc-4d13-bb21-6a4043316a2f LastUpdateCheck: 2016-10-13T11:42:11 LinkDialog/geometry: <binary data> LogDialog/showAtStartup: false MainWindow/geometry: <binary data> MainWindow/mainToolBar.iconSize: 24 MainWindow/menuBarGeometry: <binary data> MainWindow/noteSubFolderTreeWidgetExpandState-3: Projects MainWindow/noteTextEdit.code.font: monospace,11,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextEdit.font: Ubuntu,11,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.code.font: monospace,11,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.font: Ubuntu,11,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.rtl: false NoteDiffDialog/geometry: <binary data> PiwikClientId: <hidden> SettingsDialog/geometry: <binary data> SettingsDialog/mainSplitterState: <binary data> ShowSystemTray: false SortingModeAlphabetically: false WelcomeDialog/geometry: <binary data> allowDifferentNoteFileName: false allowOnlyOneAppInstance: true appMetrics/disableAppHeartbeat: false appMetrics/disableTracking: false appMetrics/notificationShown: true cryptoKey: <hidden> currentNoteFolderId: 2 currentWorkspace: 086af0ad-c3cb-44b0-857b-d86bb463da41 customNoteFileExtensionList: empty darkMode: true darkModeColors: true darkModeTrayIcon: true defaultNoteFileExtension: md disableAutomaticUpdateDialog: true dockWasInitializedOnce: true externalEditorPath: /opt/sublime_text/sublime_text ignoreAllExternalModifications: false ignoreAllExternalNoteFolderChanges: false interfaceLanguage: en internalIconTheme: false itemHeight: 19 markdownHighlightingInterval: 200 networking/ignoreSSLErrors: true networking/proxyType: 2 noteSaveIntervalTime: 10 notesPath: /home/paul/Nextcloud/Notes/General notifyAllExternalModifications: true ownCloud/password: <hidden> ownCloud/serverUrl: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarBackend: 0 ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVPassword: <hidden> ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVServerUrl: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVUsername: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledList: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledUrlList: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarUrlList: empty ownCloud/userName: empty previousWorkspace: empty recentNoteFolders: /home/paul/Nextcloud/Notes/Dev, /home/paul/Nextcloud/Notes savedSearches/noteFolder-2: Note 2016-10-12T23.47.38, Note 2016-10-12T23.23.54, Note 2016-10-12T23.21.49, Note 2016-10-12T23.14.46 showMenuBar: true showStatusBar: true workspace-086af0ad-c3cb-44b0-857b-d86bb463da41/name: default workspace-086af0ad-c3cb-44b0-857b-d86bb463da41/windowState: <binary data> workspaces: 086af0ad-c3cb-44b0-857b-d86bb463da41

Amourspirit commented 7 years ago

Here is debug dump from one of my windows 8 machines

QOwnNotes Debug Information

General Info

Current Date: Thu Oct 13 11:45:26 2016 Version: 16.10.3 Build date: Oct 11 2016 Build number: 2318 Platform: windows Operating System: Windows 8.1 Build architecture: i386 Current architecture: x86_64 Release: AppVeyor Qt Version (build): 5.5.1 Qt Version (runtime): 5.5.1 Portable mode: no Qt Debug: 0 Locale (system): en_CA Locale (interface): en Icon theme: breeze-dark-qownnotes Notes in current note folder: 237 Enabled scripts: 0

Server Info

serverUrl: empty appIsValid: no connectionErrorMessage: empty

Note folders

currentNoteFolderId: 2

Note folder General

id: 1 isCurrent: no activeTagId: 0 localPath: D:/Users/Paul/NextCloud/Notes/General remotePath: Notes isShowSubfolders: yes activeNoteSubFolder name: empty

Note folder Programming

id: 2 isCurrent: yes activeTagId: -1 localPath: D:/Users/Paul/NextCloud/Notes/Dev remotePath: Notes/Dev isShowSubfolders: yes activeNoteSubFolder name: Ahk Snippy


Editor/CurrentSchemaKey: EditorColorSchema-cdbf28fc-1ddc-4d13-bb21-6a4043316a2f LastUpdateCheck: 2016-10-13T11:44:40 LogDialog/showAtStartup: false MainWindow/geometry: <binary data> MainWindow/mainToolBar.iconSize: 24 MainWindow/menuBarGeometry: <binary data> MainWindow/noteSubFolderTreeWidgetExpandState-2: Projects MainWindow/noteTextEdit.code.font: Courier New,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextEdit.font: MS Shell Dlg 2,8.25,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.code.font: Courier New,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.font: MS Shell Dlg 2,8.25,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0 MainWindow/noteTextView.rtl: false PiwikClientId: <hidden> SettingsDialog/geometry: <binary data> SettingsDialog/mainSplitterState: <binary data> ShowSystemTray: false SortingModeAlphabetically: false UpdateDialog/geometry: <binary data> WelcomeDialog/geometry: <binary data> allowDifferentNoteFileName: false allowOnlyOneAppInstance: false appMetrics/disableAppHeartbeat: false appMetrics/disableTracking: false appMetrics/notificationShown: true cryptoKey: <hidden> currentNoteFolderId: 2 currentWorkspace: 0785ebad-c0d3-497a-84a0-bebf1d0140af customNoteFileExtensionList: empty darkMode: true darkModeColors: true darkModeTrayIcon: true defaultNoteFileExtension: md demoNotesCreated: true disableAutomaticUpdateDialog: false dockWasInitializedOnce: true externalEditorPath: C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe ignoreAllExternalModifications: false ignoreAllExternalNoteFolderChanges: false interfaceLanguage: en internalIconTheme: false itemHeight: 15 markdownHighlightingInterval: 200 networking/ignoreSSLErrors: true networking/proxyType: 2 noteSaveIntervalTime: 10 notesPath: D:/Users/Paul/NextCloud/Notes/Dev notifyAllExternalModifications: true ownCloud/password: <hidden> ownCloud/serverUrl: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarBackend: 0 ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVPassword: <hidden> ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVServerUrl: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVUsername: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledList: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledUrlList: empty ownCloud/todoCalendarUrlList: empty ownCloud/userName: empty previousWorkspace: empty recentNoteFolders: D:/Users/Paul/NextCloud/Notes/General showMenuBar: true showStatusBar: true workspace-0785ebad-c0d3-497a-84a0-bebf1d0140af/name: default workspace-0785ebad-c0d3-497a-84a0-bebf1d0140af/windowState: <binary data> workspaces: 0785ebad-c0d3-497a-84a0-bebf1d0140af

Amourspirit commented 7 years ago

I will be upgrading to the new version shortly

Amourspirit commented 7 years ago

I have installed the new version. Seems to be working but I am unable to test much right now.

For some reason I am have sync issues with my NextCloud and it results in notes not syncing their full content. ( only the first sync when the note is created is getting synced to other clients, notes.sqlite sometimes does not get synced when updated ).

I have confirmed this is not an issue with QOwnNotes and I am currently working on getting it straightened out.

I will post an update if I can get around these and other current issues.

Amourspirit commented 7 years ago

Here is a link to the issues I mentioned in my previous post for anyone interested.

pbek commented 7 years ago

Thank you for testing and reporting. I hope that gets sorted out. Please let me know if there are any news.