pbharrin / alpha-compiler

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No bundle registered with the name 'sep' #9

Closed octaviodegodoy closed 3 years ago

octaviodegodoy commented 4 years ago

Hi, I was following the instructions for installing on window, but after running the script load_quandl_sf1.py I got the error "No bundle registered with the name 'sep' "

Updated with zipline ingest, set my quandl key properly but could not solve it. Thank you for any help.

FrankPSch commented 4 years ago

Hi Luiz,

I am currently also working on a proper installation and have been able to solve your questions yesterday ;).

Some questions to you, my current trial is in brackets:

Some hints from me:

Have fun, Frank

FrankPSch commented 4 years ago


carstenf commented 3 years ago

Zipline 1.4 requires more information for exchange

Following changes in sep_quandl.py are necessary for zipline 1.4

Metadate sep need to be changed to "NYSE", line 5

metadata_list.append((df_tkr.index[0], df_tkr.index[-1], df_tkr.index[-1] + pd.Timedelta(days=1), row0["ticker"], "NYSE", # zipline 1.4 change to NYSE row0["ticker"] # TODO: can we delete this? ) )

Than in line 110 change the following:

` exchange = {'exchange': 'NYSE', 'canonical_name': 'NYSE', 'country_code': 'US'} # changes for zipline 1.4
exchange_df = pd.DataFrame(exchange,index = [0]) # changes for zipline 1.4

    # write metadata
    #                                            columns=METADATA_HEADERS))
                                                exchanges=exchange_df  # changes for zipline 1.4 

with this changes you should be able to read the registered bundle.

This is the base to fix "require argument country_code"

pbharrin commented 3 years ago

This is now fixed, make sure your loader sets the country code like this.