pbiecek / breakDown

Model Agnostics breakDown plots
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xgBoost Example Giving Error #14

Closed ZellW closed 6 years ago

ZellW commented 6 years ago

For your xgBoost example found here: https://pbiecek.github.io/breakDown/articles/break_xgboost.html an error is raised when executing: explain_xgb <- broken(HR_xgb_model, new_observation = nobs, data = model_matrix_train)

The error is: Error in new_observation[rep(1, nrow(data)), ] : incorrect number of dimensions

Any idea how I might overcome this? I love your package but I need it to work for xgBoost. Thanks!

pbiecek commented 6 years ago

Would you share session.info()? Try the latest version 0.1.5 of breakDown, right now it's only on GitHub

ZellW commented 6 years ago

Thank you. 0.15 solves the issue I had with the xgBoost example.

Great work!