pbinkley / HC2015-program

Planning for Hydra Connect 2015
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Hacking the Hydra Community - see also #46 #72

Open mark-dce opened 9 years ago

mark-dce commented 9 years ago

Format: Presentation or Panel discussion - could fit in a manager track Audience: Managers and new adopters Presenter: Robin Lindley + Mark Bussey

How does a nonhierarchical, distributed, open-source community work? This (15-25 minute) presentation provides an overview of Hydra's

Hydra is a growing community with lots of moving parts and it can appear opaque from the outside. Newcomers often complain about the lack of documentation; adopters often applaud the level of community support available. How do both of these dynamics exist at the same time and what is the community doing to maintain and grow our strengths while addressing its weaknesses?

New and potential Hydra adopters can use the information presented to become more effective participants in the community. Members of other open source communities can learn from what's worked well for us and what hasn't. We would love for the presentation to grow into a longer-term conversation about building sustainable communities around open source library initiatives.