pbiron / wordpress-importer-v2

In-development rewrite of the WordPress (WXR) Importer
11 stars 5 forks source link

was working but now #19

Open iamkingsleyf opened 5 years ago

iamkingsleyf commented 5 years ago


So tried this plugin on wordpress 5.0.3 to import 6k images, 2k post, 515 comments, 921 terms and 18 users, it was working well until when the processes got to 100% it shutdown the entire server and now am unable to login or even remove it.

every site on the server is affected... I wish the core team will adopt this plugin and the original one and make it stable for users.

This is a more better project than the gutenburg that was forced down our throat by @Automattic/Matt.

you can see the screenshot here https://imgur.com/a/oXwyy5C

pbiron commented 5 years ago

Thanx for the report.

Both this plugin and the one it is forked from haven't received much love in quite a while...largely (on my part, can't speak for the authors of the other) because there didn't seem like much interest among WP core folks as far as merging it into core :-(

I haven't tried it with 5.0.3. Although I'm very busy for the forseeable future, I'll try to to steal a few hours sometime soon to see if I can figure out what would cause it to hang at 100%.

As far as getting your site(s) back up...if you can remotely run WP_CLI then you can disable it with wp plugin deactivate wordpress-importer-v2.

If you can't run WP_CLI but you have access to the database (e.g., via phpMyAdmin through your cPanel), you can remove it from the active_plugins option in the wp_options table (or acitve_sitewide_plugins in wp_sitemeta if you're running WP multisite).

However, be VERY careful when doing that, because both of those option values are stored in PHP serialized format and can be tricky to edit by hand if you haven't done it before.

iamkingsleyf commented 5 years ago


Thanks for response, the good news is it worked, imported all those i mentioned in 3 to 4HRS much better and faster than the default.

I restarted my server and MI-FI after that it reloaded and all the contents where there. You can make it a much better alternative the default importer or even a premium (not too expensive). though am not a coder but i will promote it with my platform

Thank You. Thank You Thank You very much, saved me a lot of sleepless night.

pbiron commented 5 years ago

Good to hear that everything was imported correctly...despite the hang. Although, looking more closely at your screenshots, it actually appears to have hung with 2 posts remaining to be imported (2091/2093). So, you should check whether those last 2 posts were imported correctly.

I'll still leave this open until I can find the time to discover why it hung in the first place.

iamkingsleyf commented 5 years ago

alright thanks. at the beginning after the initial upload when it got to 100% it hung for a while too, wanted to refresh before it moved forward