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Collection of Home Assistant add-ons that use rtl_433
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on AmbientWeather-TX8300 report Battery statur from rtl_433 MQTT Auto Discovery (next) #172

Open Mark-Muc opened 6 months ago

Mark-Muc commented 6 months ago

The problem

Hello!! just a question. I own 2 AmbientWeather-TX8300 devices and i like to recieve the batterystatus from rtl_433 MQTT Auto Discovery (next). It seems that rtl_433 MQTT Auto Discovery (next) whatches out for: battery_ok but the AmbientWeather-TX8300 don't report: battery_ok the report only battery so so status will be skiped .. like this:

[2023-12-20T13:16:33+0100] INFO:root:Published AmbientWeather-TX8300-1-98: time, channel, temperature_C, rssi, snr, noise
[2023-12-20T13:16:33+0100] INFO:root:Skipped AmbientWeather-TX8300-1-98: battery

So my question is: were to change that also battery will be reported as well .. and to to be skipped,

MQTT looks like this:

time = 2023-12-20T13:33:47+0100
id = 54
channel = 3
battery = 2
temperature_C = 4.7
humidity = 86
mod = ASK
freq = 433.88909
rssi = -5.92413
snr = 18.22666
noise = -24.1508

Thanks for any help Regards Mark_Muc

What addon are you reporting the bug for?


What is the addon version?


What type of MQTT Broker are you using?

Home Assistant Mosquitto MQTT Broker

Addon log messages

No response

Additional information

AmbientWeather-TX8300 time = 2023-12-20T13:33:47+0100 id = 54 channel = 3 battery = 2 temperature_C = 4.7 humidity = 86 mic = CHECKSUM mod = ASK freq = 433.88909 rssi = -5.92413 snr = 18.22666 noise = -24.1508

deviantintegral commented 6 months ago

Does battery = 2 mean 2%? Or is it a state like 1 = >80, 2 = >20, 3 = >1, etc?

If you can figure out the mappings, then you could either manually edit the configuration topic in homeassistant/devices/… or work on updating the auto discovery script to configure it automatically.

Mark-Muc commented 6 months ago

Hallo and thank u for your respond!! the Battery is like other devices .. you mentioned: 1 = >80, 2 = >20, 3 = >1, it's like that.

work on updating the auto discovery How to do?? THX Mark_Muc

deviantintegral commented 6 months ago

The script comes from https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433 in the "examples" directory. So if you're familiar with the basics of Python, a pull request that's accepted in that repository will eventually make it down to this addon.

riegelbrau commented 6 months ago

I just have an issue with the script rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py (see https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/discussions/2776). In the mapping for battery_ok, the Jinja filter which multiplies the value by 99 and adds 1, leads to an error in my environment. If the filter is corrected, devices with a decimal representation like 0.6 will get 60% as the result. The battery_ok status from devices sending values 0 and 1 (I have some) will result in 0 or 100, which is OK for those. This filter would not fit for the AmbientWeather-TX8300, which I own as well. I fear that rtl_433 needs to be changed to send a special field name and the script then must to be adapted to interpret and transform those values. I woul appreciate a solution, too!

Regards Christoph

riegelbrau commented 5 months ago

I now created a dirty workaround in rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py just before the mapping for "time":

Battery missing for AmbientWeather TX8300

"battery": { "device_type": "sensor", "object_suffix": "B", "config": { "device_class": "battery", "name": "Battery", "unit_of_measurement": "%", "value_template": "{{ ( 100 / value|float ) | round(0) }}", "state_class": "measurement", "entity_category": "diagnostic" } }, After rtl_433_mqtt_hass.py has run again using the parameter -r and an update message appeared, I've got 50 for the value '2'. A value of '1' will be transformed to 100 and a value of '3' will lead to 33. This is pretty much better than no data at all.

catduckgnaf commented 4 months ago

@riegelbrau can you submit a pr for this to image

I can add it to the discovery script there, I have a fast moving and improving script. Mind helping out?