rtl_433 MQTT Auto Discovery is not creating a rain sensor. From my limited understanding it looks as though it may not be receiving the data, even though it is receiving the data for all other sensors. rtl_433 is definitely receiving the data and outputting it to MQTT.
I have supplied rtl_433 and rtl_433_mqtt_autodiscovery log snippets in the addon log messages section.
The problem
rtl_433 MQTT Auto Discovery is not creating a rain sensor. From my limited understanding it looks as though it may not be receiving the data, even though it is receiving the data for all other sensors. rtl_433 is definitely receiving the data and outputting it to MQTT.
I have supplied rtl_433 and rtl_433_mqtt_autodiscovery log snippets in the addon log messages section.
Any assistance is appreciated.
MQTT Explorer screenshot:
What addon are you reporting the bug for?
What is the addon version?
What type of MQTT Broker are you using?
Home Assistant Mosquitto MQTT Broker
Addon log messages
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