pbrah / wpa_supplicant-udmpro

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Major/minor error #5

Closed vcao closed 4 years ago

vcao commented 4 years ago

I understand this was built on previous firmwares. I'm starting to get errors with 1.7.0 firmware. I ran the podman command and received: "WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices."

Any updates or help troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated.

GiulianoM commented 4 years ago

It's a warning, not an error...

Related, from 2019:


If you run "podman ps -a" does it show the wpa_supplicant-udmpro container?

Is the container running?

Start the container by running "podman start wpa_supplicant-udmpro".

Check the container to see if there are any errors, run "podman logs wpa_supplicant-udmpro".

vcao commented 4 years ago

I have the image, but can't start the container because of the error. I start with the following:

podman run --privileged --network=host --name=wpa_supplicant-udmpro -v /mnt/data/docker/wpa_supplicant/:/etc/wpa_supplicant/conf/ --log-driver=json-file --restart unless-stopped -d -ti pbrah/wpa_supplicant-udmpro:v1.0 -Dwired -ieth8 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant/conf/wpa_supplicant.conf

And the following errors are displayed:

WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
WARNING: The same type, major and minor should not be used for multiple devices.
Error: the unless-stopped restart policy is not supported: invalid argument

If it's the --restart policy then, I'll try removing it or switching it to always.

vcao commented 4 years ago

I was able to launch the container using --restart always instead of -restart unless-stopped. The major/minor warnings persist. That being said, the restart policy does not work as provided and the issue should be left open. I had another user on reddit chime in to say that the issue is with the outdated version of podman that is provided on the UDM/UDMpro.

pbrah commented 4 years ago

Ubiquiti is missing something specifically to allow the restart to take place. It has been a while since I've looked at this and I no longer own a UDM Pro however the only way for this to work is by an update provided by Ubiquiti or someone having an ability to write to their read only squashfs. If I remember correctly there is some daemon we need to start with the UDM Pro that is not set to start.

GiulianoM commented 4 years ago

Actually, boostchicken found a way around the problem and created an on-boot script that starts the wpa_supplicant container.


It works great!