pbreault / adb-idea

A plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up your day to day android development.
Apache License 2.0
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Incompatible with Andorid Studio 4.2.2 #134

Closed RomanShtyk closed 2 years ago

RomanShtyk commented 2 years ago

Android Studio 4.2.2 Build #AI-202.7660.26.42.7486908, built on June 24, 2021 Runtime version: 11.0.8+10-b944.6842174 amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by N/A Windows 10 10.0 GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 8192M Cores: 24 Registry: external.system.auto.import.disabled=true, debugger.watches.in.variables=false, ide.tooltip.initialDelay=206 Non-Bundled Plugins: com.bloc.intellij_generator_plugin, dev.polek.adbwifi, wu.seal.tool.jsontokotlin, org.jetbrains.kotlin, com.retail.sorter

10:56 AM Plugin Error Plugin "ADB Idea" is incompatible (since build 203.7717 > AI-202.7660.26).


pbreault commented 2 years ago

This version shouldn't show up in the plugin repository if you are on 4.2.2.

How did you install it? Did you download the zip and installed it from disk ? Was it an old version that was upgraded automatically by android studio? Did you install it from the "plugins" panel in the preferences?

RomanShtyk commented 2 years ago

@pbreault It was already installed, and Android Studio automatically upgraded to 4.2.2. I reinstalled the plugin, and now it works like a charm again, thank you!

pbreault commented 2 years ago

@pbreault It was already installed and Android Studio automatically upgraded to 4.2.2

Awesome :)