pbreault / adb-idea

A plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up your day to day android development.
Apache License 2.0
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Plugin cannot resolve app id with build types #151

Open ChumachenkoRoman opened 1 year ago

ChumachenkoRoman commented 1 year ago

We have 2 build types in our app: debug and release. Release uses "our.app.id" app id. While the debug type uses "our.app.id.debug" app id. Debug type configures its id via applicationIdSuffix in Gradle script.

With this setup, plugin uses default id (our.app.id) instead of "....id.debug".

Is there a way to change my setup so that it could properly work with the plugin? Or better yet is it possible to add some kind of UI so that user can choose which build type/flavor should the plugin run against?