pbreault / adb-idea

A plugin for Android Studio and Intellij IDEA that speeds up your day to day android development.
Apache License 2.0
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Permission Handling #70

Closed EarlOfEgo closed 6 years ago

EarlOfEgo commented 6 years ago

I added permission handling to easy grant or revoke the requested permission on a device.

ADB Grant Permissions -> For granting all requested permissions of the app. grant_permissions_small

ADB Revoke Permissions -> For revoking all granted permissions of the app. ADB Revoke Permissions and Restart -> For revoking all granted permissions of the app and restarting it. revoke_permissions_small

pbreault commented 6 years ago

Awesome Stuff! It's definitely going in the next release. Just a couple of small things to take care of before I can merge this.

Thanks for contributing :)

pbreault commented 6 years ago

Looking good! Thanks for making the changes