pbreheny / visreg

Visualization of regression functions
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Changing color of the bands in visreg #12

Closed rahapazoki closed 8 years ago

rahapazoki commented 8 years ago

How can I change the color of the bands and remove the ticks in visreg (figure 7 of the visreg manual?)

pbreheny commented 8 years ago

Partial residuals and rugs are controlled through the partial and rug options; plotting options are controlled by fill.par, line.par, and points.par. For example,

airquality$Heat <- cut(airquality$Temp,3,labels=c("Cool","Mild","Hot"))
fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind*Heat, data=airquality)
visreg(fit, "Wind", by="Heat", overlay=TRUE, partial=FALSE, rug=FALSE,
       fill.par=list(col=c('purple', 'green', 'black')))

See the help files for more details.