[x] Can we include the data in spreadsheets (simplified down) in our public R package? Send them the spreadsheets.
[ ] Confirm what RS means, and to check that WCVI data are not available for other years also (1995-1998 [though check which had RS designation], and 2000).
[ ] Look into, then ask if necessary, how 'usable' definition from 1995-2002 (in 1995 it was called 'Effective') corresponds to the 'usability codes' in 2003 onwards. [Then adapt code as necessary]
[ ] Why don't species counts at the set level match those computed from the hook-level data - this may be a GFbio issue, so investigate that first.
[ ] For 2013 (and maybe 1997-2002 - check numbers) when first 20 hooks are evaluated only for non-halibut species, are the numbers we have for halibut the numbers for all hooks. (I can likely deduce this once code is all running). If yes then I should put in a scaling factor for generating Seires A and D for halibut, in case someone uses gfplot for halibut.
[x] What does `hook with skin' mean? Have asked Lynne, then check some refs. Lynne - it's the skin of the bait. For hook competition calculations she agrees with me ('think she would guess') treat it as empty hook, since it's not fishing the whole time.
[x] Can we include the data in spreadsheets (simplified down) in our public R package? Send them the spreadsheets.
[ ] Confirm what RS means, and to check that WCVI data are not available for other years also (1995-1998 [though check which had RS designation], and 2000).
[ ] Look into, then ask if necessary, how 'usable' definition from 1995-2002 (in 1995 it was called 'Effective') corresponds to the 'usability codes' in 2003 onwards. [Then adapt code as necessary]
[ ] Why don't species counts at the set level match those computed from the hook-level data - this may be a GFbio issue, so investigate that first.
[ ] For 2013 (and maybe 1997-2002 - check numbers) when first 20 hooks are evaluated only for non-halibut species, are the numbers we have for halibut the numbers for all hooks. (I can likely deduce this once code is all running). If yes then I should put in a scaling factor for generating Seires A and D for halibut, in case someone uses gfplot for halibut.