Open andrew-edwards opened 3 years ago
From Dan Dulisea (via Robyn):
[ ] "In the gslea ecosystem matrix, we have atmospheric climate projections for different RCP scenario. What is surprising about using them is that the correlation with oceanographic variables like deep water bottom temperature is surprisingly not so bad. You can then derive an index of oceanographic variables into the future. An example of this is on the gslea github page ( We also will be getting actual oceanographic projections as well, probably within a month or two, for the Gulf of St Lawrence. If you wanted to try something like that for BC, go to the Climate Atlas of Canada and choose a box nearest to the area where you are considering. I chose the variable surface temperature (which is not sst) and the try a linear model in the historical period of surface temperature with your oceanographic data variable that you think is most relevant. It may work and if not such a great relationship, it may still be better than a scenario approach as it will be based in some kind future that climate models already think is plausible."
[ ] Also, Angelica does projections (and produces averages for 2041-2070). Could look into those.
From Carrie from some other work, also using:
[ ] Northern Oscillation Index (Schwing et al., 2002), (but broken it seems)
[ ] Bifurcation Index, Malick et al. (2017). See Tetjana also.
[ ] See her email (12/6/23) for other variables (that aren't just climate indices).
Further indices we should include:
[ ] Charles: El Nino 1 (temperature off Peru/Bolivia). oni is El Nino 3.4 (see ?oni). El Nino 1.2 is available at Map showing regions at Also see from Andrea, summarises many, though Charles noted that: Nino1-2 has been declining since July but Nino3-4 has been increasing. So Nino1-2 might not relate to BC like I thought it would
[ ] Bifurcation index - Tetjana computes it but maybe not updated?
[ ] Baken upwelling index - calculated every 3 deg latitutde along the west coast, get values from 39 deg N to 51 deg N, to have some explicit oceanographic data from further south.
[ ] Charles mentioned SST and Chl-a summaries, though for NW Atlantic.
[ ] Several indices were extracted and analysed in Appendix F of a Pacific Ocean Perch assessment. See that for links to websites. In the assessment, we used several of the indices now included in pacea, but also used these (could look into whether they are worth getting):
East-Pacific/North-Pacific index
Pressure-adjusted sea level anomalies at Prince Rupert
Standardized maximum area covered by Haida eddies
[ ] Following paper discusses how the Strait of Georgia transitions to Queen Charlotte Sound through Johnstone Strait. It really makes the point that the separation is abrupt not gradual. And thus that somewhere about Chatham Point is a reasonable place to start the Northern Shelf Bioregion (and thus the marine component of the great bear rainforest): Dosser, H.V., Waterman, S., Jackson, J.M., Hannah, C.G., Evans, W. and Hunt, B.P.V., Stark physical and biogeochemical differences and implications for ecosystem stressors in the Northeast Pacific coastal ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, p.e2020JC017033.
Just keeping track of suggestions here (e.g. if someone emails us). Tick the box when dealt with.