pbs-assess / pacea

An R package to house Pacific Region ecosystem data to help facilitate an ecosystem approach to fisheries.
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Travis's tasks todo before release #27

Closed travistai2 closed 8 months ago

travistai2 commented 1 year ago

List of To Do items for Travis to get done before release

    • [x] Process ROMS data and upload to pacea-data
    • [x] Help files and functions for remaining ROMS data
    • [x] Ensure naming and numbering of ROMS data is appropriate for updating and searching in get_pacea_data function
    • [x] Vignette - Plotting for ROMS data; plot.pacea_st, ggplot2, plotting time series of data
    • [x] Vignette - Manipulating ROMS spatial data to format of interest
    • [x] Decide on including updating data in function for users to update. (e.g. prompt user to check for data updates and if available, whether they want to update)
    • [x] Decide on whether pacea_data object will include data that can be downloaded and data that is loaded with package
    • [x] Possible to remove the dashed line that runs through BC for the EEZ? I (Andy) see it when doing plot(pdata, months = c("September"), years = c(2019), bc = T, eez = T) in your ROMS vignette.
    • [x] News file for the package.
    • [x] Process OISST data from erddap. 7 day average and monthly average. (Note: perhaps use package sftime to store spatiotemporal data in a neater format. Would also have to adjust ROMS data.
    • [x] Documentation for OISST data
    • [x] Use test_surftemp.rds for smaller file usage for tests and maybe vignettes too
    • [x] push anomaly and climatology function to package once tested
andrew-edwards commented 8 months ago
andrew-edwards commented 8 months ago