During the generation of multiple heatmaps at the same location, I noticed the generated html files keep increasing in size without an equivalent increase in the volume at a given map. Here are the resulting file sizes when I generate the same map with the same data for 200 times:
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import gmaps
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets.embed import embed_minimal_html
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
coordinates = np.random.randint(10, 50, (50, 2)).astype('float64')
for i in range(200):
center = 20, 30
fig = gmaps.figure(center=center, zoom_level=10)
heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(coordinates)
heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 100
heatmap_layer.point_radius = 5
p = Path(tmp) / f'{i}.html'
embed_minimal_html(p.as_posix(), views=[fig])
print(f'Current: {p.name}: {os.path.getsize(p.as_posix()) / 1024 ** 2} MB')
A temporary fix to the issue is to add the following to the code:
from ipywidgets.widgets.widget import Widget
And to include this line in the loop:
As gmaps.figure for some reason uses this object and keeps storing additional figure data inside it disregarding whether they are still needed. If this behavior is unintentional, I can issue a pr with the fix if there is one.
for i in range(200):
center = 20, 30
fig = gmaps.figure(center=center, zoom_level=10)
heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(coordinates)
heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 100
heatmap_layer.point_radius = 5
p = Path(tmp) / f'{i}.html'
embed_minimal_html(p.as_posix(), views=[fig])
print(f'Current: {p.name}: {os.path.getsize(p.as_posix()) / 1024 ** 2} MB')
During the generation of multiple heatmaps at the same location, I noticed the generated html files keep increasing in size without an equivalent increase in the volume at a given map. Here are the resulting file sizes when I generate the same map with the same data for 200 times:
A temporary fix to the issue is to add the following to the code:
And to include this line in the loop:
for some reason uses this object and keeps storing additional figure data inside it disregarding whether they are still needed. If this behavior is unintentional, I can issue a pr with the fix if there is one.Result: