pc035860 / YCS-cont

Chrome Extension: YCS. Search for comments and authors in YouTube videos
MIT License
68 stars 5 forks source link

Filter comments (spambots) and first 50 replies #23

Open andradadad opened 1 month ago

andradadad commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/amitbl/blocktube Blocktube is an addon which permits a regex to block comments, titles, etc. this could be useful in YCS-cont features for videos who have been attacked. Integrating the code in YCS-cont for both manual "words blacklist", and "add this reply to the blacklist" also with some sort of matching for wordings differences by the bots, would be great.

Also, a button in the main panel to show the first 50/100/etc. replies without any kind of filter could be useful too, since YT doesn't permit sorting by replies/views/date. Even that loading them entirely is useful too.