// Recursive Tree Add module recurses smaller copies of itself.
module TreeAdder #(int WIDTH) {
interface TreeAdder : int[WIDTH] values'0 -> int total
if WIDTH == 0 {
// Have to explicitly give zero a latency count.
// Otherwise total's latency can't be determined.
int zero'0 = 0
total = zero
} else if WIDTH == 1 {
total = values[0]
} else {
gen int L_SZ = WIDTH / 2
gen int R_SZ = WIDTH - L_SZ
int[L_SZ] left_part, int[R_SZ] right_part = SplitAt(values)
int left_total = TreeAdder(left_part)
int right_total = TreeAdder(right_part)
// Can add pipelining registers here too.
// Latency Counting will figure it out.
reg total = left_total + right_total
We use int zero'0 = 0 because otherwise the LC system can't figure out the absolute latency for total
Perhaps we could add a way to annotate the constant directly? Like total = 0'0
In the example:
We use
int zero'0 = 0
because otherwise the LC system can't figure out the absolute latency fortotal
Perhaps we could add a way to annotate the constant directly? Like
total = 0'0