pcal43 / fastback

Fast, incremental Minecraft world backups. Powered by Git.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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add a way to restore a backup on top of running world? #194

Open BoardTM opened 1 year ago

BoardTM commented 1 year ago

Basically just a way to more easily restore a backup when using the mod on a server. Would probably still require a server restart but would save a lot of time.

Ideally functions in the following way: /backup load <BACKUP> Mod may want to ask an "Are you sure?" since the action may cause data loss.

Would be a really nice addition :D

pcal43 commented 1 year ago

I've actually done this, at least in single player. The world sort of updates in real time. I have no idea whether it is a safe thing to do, though. I could probably add it as a super-experimental feature with a lot of warnings.

pcal43 commented 1 year ago

...so actually this might be ok if I require a restart. Stop the world, save, backup, checkout/restore, start it back up. I'll dig around and see how doable that is.