pcarrier / gauth

Google Authenticator in your terminal
ISC License
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[REQ] add support for reading secrets directly from dbs exported from Android apps #38

Open eadmaster opened 4 years ago

eadmaster commented 4 years ago
pcarrier commented 3 years ago

Personally not a huge fan of adding much to the tool running on your typical server itself, particularly when I assume those formats could change any day whereas an install is super stable now so no worries if it ever gets packaged (#39), but active maintainers/forkers feel free to disagree and make another call! Could certainly port from Python to Go. I don't know that the effort would ever compensate for the "discomfort" of running Python every once in a while, but that shouldn't deter anybody from their aspirations. If they'd like the exposure to be in this README and repo, personally more than happy to merge linted + tested code in eg github.com/pcarrier/gauth/cmds/gauthimport (random name).

Or maybe I'm missing the use case and you'd like to share the file on the Android device with gauth directly? The main function itself is tiny, we can factor out the database reading, so if we want to make alternate "complete" commands for alternate database formats that could be cool. Could publish separate binaries for various architectures and database versions with more automation I don't particularly care to learn about Go + GitHub in the short term, yet again contributions more than welcome.