pcav / faunalia-website

Faunalia website
2 stars 3 forks source link

CSS errors #128

Open pcav opened 11 years ago

pcav commented 11 years ago

CSS has errors, apparently is not processed:

.page-top { {% if theme_bootswatch_theme %} top: 50px; {% else %} top: 40px; {% endif %} }

pcav commented 8 years ago

Unsure whether this is still an issue. To be checked.

pcav commented 8 years ago

Better check also: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.faunalia.eu%2Fit%2F

pcav commented 8 years ago

Errors confirmed: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.faunalia.eu%2Fit%2F&profile=css3&usermedium=all&warning=1&vextwarning=&lang=it

ryan-roemer commented 7 years ago

This isn't a sphinx-bootstrap-theme error. The issue here is you have a "real css file" for https://github.com/pcav/faunalia-website/blob/ca57a091981c5e4a74dbaed2c9880b8bb0bb0fff/_static/faunalia.css#L258-L284 instead of a "sphinx css template" so it's completely unprocessed.

The http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.4.9/theming.html#static-templates guide gives some helpful info:

f the name of a file in the static/ directory of a theme (or in the user’s static path, for that matter) ends with _t, it will be processed by the template engine. The _t will be left from the final file name. For example, the classic theme has a file static/classic.css_t which uses templating to put the color options into the stylesheet. When a documentation is built with the classic theme, the output directory will contain a _static/classic.css file where all template tags have been processed.

I think you just need to rename the suffix to .css_t.

pcav commented 7 years ago

Some warnings remain, but most are gone - thanks @ryan-roemer

pcav commented 7 years ago

Errors mostly due to: {{{ :description lang=en: Faunalia, Open Source GIS. Leader in solutions based on QGIS: training, development, support :description lang=it: Faunalia, GIS Open Source. Impresa leader nelle soluzioni basate su QGIS: formazione, sviluppo, supporto :description lang=fr: Faunalia, SIG Open Source. Leader dans les solutions basés sur QGIS: formation, développement, assistance }}} if I remove the other langhuages, and the lang=xx the string apparently becomes untranslatable.