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Create website to host digital exhibit #35

Open Fellstrike opened 2 months ago

Fellstrike commented 2 months ago

Whether this ends up being a live stream, pre-recorded video, or whatever we need

DillonSimeone commented 2 months ago

Excellent, I can help quite a bit with this. I've worked as a fullstack website developer for about one decade, so I'm able to do some pretty exotic magic on the drop of a hat.

That said, I recommend setting up a website on https://www.netlify.com/

It's free for static websites. You can connect a github account to Netlify, so each time you edit the website on your computer then make a push to the website github, Netlify will rebuild the website within one minute using the files in the github.

You get like 100GB a month for free. I'll be impressed if you guys manage to smash through this threshold! Recommend converting all image assets to .WEBP format to make them really space-efficient, causing the website to load near instantly on most connections.

Aside from that, a domain name can be grabbed on the cheap from nameCheap.


Grab an .org, or .xyz link... Or just use whatever random domain name Netlify gives you!

I like this for converting a folder of media into .WEBP format quickly.


Fellstrike commented 1 month ago

https://fellstrike.github.io/Capstone-Website/ and (https://github.com/Fellstrike/Capstone-Website) is the current test build of the site. Anyone who sees this feel free to comment here on changes, message me here or on discord @Fell_strike

Thanks Dillon! I'll try to get that all set up in the near future.

Eriiiiiiick commented 1 month ago

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XOC9Td-oMFeUFIVc7c2qDs9SWjBoVLP1?usp=drive_link link to website assets

Fellstrike commented 1 month ago

website has been updated it is now at:


DillonSimeone commented 1 month ago

It grows! Nice work!

Fellstrike commented 4 weeks ago

https://p5c2024.netlify.app/index.html Is the new domain, easier to type and say. (Portland Community College Creative Coding, P, 5 Cs) and additionally some new images and sounds were added.

Eriiiiiiick commented 3 weeks ago

@Fellstrike I added a sprite for the bird game icon. Also I thought that the plant needed another variation to actually look like your harvesting something. Maybe you could add a way to see how much plants you have harvested if that's not too much trouble for you. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XOC9Td-oMFeUFIVc7c2qDs9SWjBoVLP1?usp=drive_link