pcc-capstone-2024 / capstone2024

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design sound for between rooms doorway trigger #4

Open jmej opened 2 months ago

vinnie456 commented 2 months ago


Hi everyone! Here's a link to some sound sketches I've made based off of ideas from discussion- or at least what I interpreted them to be 😁. The .wav files labeled "example" are 1 min mixes of the sounds. The individual folders contain the raw samples themselves.

The track titled "A SINGING WORLD LIGHT YEARS AWAY" is a performance with a Make Noise Strega and Earthquake Device Data Corruptor. Parts of this track can be used in the doorway convolution patch possibly? I have included a patch I've made, please feel free to make it better.

If anyone is so inclined to do further design with the samples, have at it! I'm not going to act like mine are the best, and it is absolutely cool if it all gets rejected. So honest opinions please and thank you all for checking it out!

Eriiiiiiick commented 2 months ago


I have some samples of the Sega sound chip if anyone wants to use them