pcca-matrix / PCCA-Layout

HyperSpin layout for Attract-Mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Help, backgrounds inside the zipped theme, but it doesn't load? #5

Closed hedergim closed 4 years ago

hedergim commented 4 years ago

I've managed to run everything right, but the backgrounds don't appear in any theme, the backgrounds are inside the zipped theme, but it doesn't load, why? Please.

the backgrounds of the zipped themes do not appear, the themes already have the background inside the zip, but it simply does not appear on the pcca, why?

I don’t know how to use github, can I ask this question here? I’m waiting for an answer, thanks, congratulations on the project.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

Which platform ? (Linux,Win,Mac ?) Attract-mode version ? is the background in the theme is correctly named "Background.png" ? did you try to deactivate the background transition effects to see if it helps ?

Be more specific , so i can help you

hedergim commented 4 years ago

Attract-Mode 2.6.1 - 64-bit (Windows)

I already disabled background effect, to no avail.

the backgrounds already have the correct name background.png within the ".zip" theme the Hyperspin themes are already inside the ".zip"

do I need to remove this background.png and put it in a folder?

in your video I see that all the backgrounds of the themes are appearing normally, mine do not appear any.


pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

No, Background can be inside theme zip or inside background folder , no matter

happen with all themes or just 1?

are the others artworks/videos displayed ?

since the background uses glsl shaders, what is your GPU ?

could you give me the contents of the AM log

hedergim commented 4 years ago

remembering that my attract-v2.6.1-win64 is original, I didn't make any changes.

happen with all themes or just 1?

yes, all themes.

are the others artworks / videos displayed?

yes, everything runs perfectly.

could you give me the contents of the AM log

It is? last_run.log ???

Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +SWF +7z +Curl) avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: C:\AttractMode\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'corrida isometrica'

*** Initializing display: 'corrida'

*** Initializing display: 'corrida'

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

these lines in your log :

Error opening input file: C:\AttractMode\sounds/GS2.mp3 Loaded layout: C:\AttractMode\layouts/Hyperspin Theme Mode/

indicates that you are using another Hyperspin theme in atrract and not the pcca theme at least for your display menu !

in the readme It is MANDATORY to set in Attract-Mode options: General->Startup Mode to 'Show Display Menu' and Displays->'Display Menu Options->'Allow Exit from 'Display Menu' to 'No'.

pcca layout MUST be set for dispay and system menu

hedergim commented 4 years ago

I've already configured it the way you're talking and it still doesn't work,

I even deleted all my AttractMode and installed Zero, and it still doesn't work,

sorry to talk, but i believe you were wrong when making the pcca available to the public, you missed some typing, the pcca you have is running all the backgrounds and different from the one available for download, there was an error, sorry .

take it easy, there is an error in the download file, congratulations on your work.

new 'last_run.log' Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +SWF +7z +Curl) avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: C:\attract-v2.6.1-win64\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'corrida'

*** Initializing display: 'corrida'

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

Ok, so the issue can be closed

hedergim commented 4 years ago

thanks, congratularions