pcca-matrix / PCCA-Layout

HyperSpin layout for Attract-Mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
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When will a new version of pcca come out? backgrounds not loaded. #6

Closed hedergim closed 4 years ago

hedergim commented 4 years ago

When will a new version of pcca come out? I want to see if the new version will be able to load the backgrounds, in your video the backgrounds appear but it doesn't actually run.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

the current beta version loads just fine the background for all others users , you are the only one for the moment to have this problem.

it's on your side that it fail, do you have an existing intstalation of hyperspin with correct main menu , system theme ?

what you see on the presentation video are themes created by the users of hyperspin.fe runing on attract-mode,

this module allows you to use them, pcca layout does not come with any themes or backgrounds.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

You are saying everything I already know,

I'm a Hyperspin theme creator,

I put my Hyperspin themes to run on pcca and the backgrounds that are within the hyperspin .zip themes don't work,

you're saying what i already know.

other friends of mine are testing your project and are having the same problem.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

can you post your attract.cfg

hedergim commented 4 years ago

Your pcca layout cannot run these 2 files that are within the Hyperspin .zip theme:

Background.png and video.png (video frame)

Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1

# display corrida layout pcca romlist corrida in_cycle yes in_menu yes filter All filter Favourites rule Favourite equals 1

display Sega 32X layout Nintendo Wii romlist Sega 32X in_cycle yes in_menu yes filter All filter Favourites rule Favourite equals 1

sound sound_volume 100 ambient_volume 100 movie_volume 100

input_map configure Tab prev_letter LControl+Up next_letter LControl+Down filters_menu LControl+Left next_filter LControl+Right configure Escape+Up edit_game Escape+Down add_favourite Escape+LControl prev_letter Joy0 Up+Joy0 Button0 next_letter Joy0 Down+Joy0 Button0 filters_menu Joy0 Left+Joy0 Button0 next_filter Joy0 Right+Joy0 Button0 configure Joy0 Up+Joy0 Button1 edit_game Joy0 Down+Joy0 Button1 add_favourite Joy0 Button0+Joy0 Button1 back Escape back Joy0 Button1 up Up up Joy0 Up down Down down Joy0 Down left Left left Joy0 Left right Right right Joy0 Right select Return select LControl select Joy0 Button0 default back exit default up prev_game default down next_game default left prev_display default right next_display

general language pt exit_command
default_font arial font_path %SYSTEMROOT%/Fonts/ screen_saver_timeout 600 displays_menu_exit no hide_brackets no startup_mode displays_menu confirm_favourites yes confirm_exit yes mouse_threshold 10 joystick_threshold 75 window_mode window filter_wrap_mode no_wrap track_usage yes multiple_monitors no smooth_images yes selection_max_step 128 selection_speed_ms 40 move_mouse_on_launch yes scrape_snaps yes scrape_marquees yes scrape_flyers yes scrape_wheels yes scrape_fanart no scrape_videos no scrape_overview yes thegamesdb_key
hide_console no video_decoder
menu_prompt pcca menu_layout pcca

layout_config pcca param Aspect Stretch param Background_Stretch Main Menu param Bezels Yes param Top_Bezel No param animated_backgrounds Yes param infos_coord param medias_path param override_transitions Yes param transition_ms 300 param user_lang En param wait_override Yes param wheel_fade_time 2500 param wheel_type Wheel

layout_config Atari 2600 param enable_bloom Yes param enable_colors Yes param enable_crt_scanline Medium param enable_frame Yes param enable_gameinfo Info and Enumerate param enable_gboxart Yes param enable_gcartart Yes param enable_ini_anim Yes param enable_pointer Yes param enable_random_sound Random param enable_scanline None param enable_static Yes param enable_wl_bg No param ini_anim_trans_ms 1000 param mute_videos No param paramxx1
param paramxx2
param paramxx3
param paramxx4
param paramxx5
param set_ms_delay 1250 param transition_ms 200 param wheel_fade_ms 500 param wheel_fadeout Partially param wheel_logo_aspect No param wheel_logo_size Larger param wheel_poisition Adjust Left param wheel_pulse Loop param wheel_semi_t No param wheel_type Round param wheels 10

plugin RocketLauncher enabled yes param emulatorpic D:\AttractMode\media\systemlogos\ param fanart fanart param flyer flyer param marquee marquee param rlpath C:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe param screenshot snap param video snap param wheel wheel

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

video and background are 2 artworks that use the glsl shader, what is your GPU ?

otherwise if you are sure you have the right folder structure like hyperspin I don't see what it can cause the issue

hedergim commented 4 years ago

My GPU and integrated notebook, I have already tested it on another PC, my friends have already tested their pcca at their home on his PC, and none can load these 2 files.

The Hyperspin themes that I tested on your pcca work smoothly on my Hyperspin, and work smoothly on my friend's Hyperspin, so it's not a GPU problem.

There is a problem with the file you made available for download on GitHub, copy a new pcca file from your PC and put it on GITHUB again so we can download it again,

this GitHub file has a problem, create a new Upload for Us.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

launch with attract-console.exe and look at the cmd windows if you see some shader compil errors

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

OK , i tried now on an older notebook with Geforce 8400Gs and it fail with background and video like your issue cause of glsl shader !!

tried with AMD HD5670 and it fail too

thanks to identify the issue , I will see what i can do

hedergim commented 4 years ago

Thank you for believing in me,

because in your youtube video it appears running the backgrouds?

There was a small mistake in the final moment that you were working on your pc.

because yours in the video already runs the background, for sure you will be able to solve this problem,

when are you going to look? I'm looking forward to using your pcca.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

it's on the way ! stay tuned

hedergim commented 4 years ago

Thank you, As soon as I resolve I will tell all my friends that you have already managed to resolve.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

it should be fixed now , let me know if you encounter any others problems on AMD gpu.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

got worse, now breaks the entire AttractMode.

you missed something.

I already reinstalled AttractMode from scratch, nothing works,

broke everything in AttractMode.

Total Crash in AttractMode, stops working.

Total Black Screen.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

can you please send me the attract-console.exe window content and the exact model of your gpu graphic card

hedergim commented 4 years ago

The "Layout Option" it is not accessible, press the button but do not access.

Notebook Intel HDGraphics 4000 integrated

Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +SWF +7z +Curl) avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: C:\AttractMode v2.6.1 win64\attract.cfg

*** Initializing display: 'corrida'

hedergim commented 4 years ago

The "Layout Option" it is not accessible, press the button but do not access.

Notebook Intel HDGraphics 4000 integrated

Attract-Mode v2.6.1 (Windows, SFML 2.5.1 +SWF +7z +Curl) avcodec 58.54.100 / avformat 58.29.100 / swscale 5.5.100 / avutil 56.31.100 / swresample 3.5.100

Config: C:\AttractMode v2.6.1 win64\attract.cfg

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

don't have older hd4000 gpu on hand, but checked with intel hd4600 and it work , here is a full config working out of box on an hd4600, can you please download and test-it , this is only attract 2.6.1 with pcca layout and correct settings for 2 systems with Hyperspin theme.

i'm waiting a friend with hd4000 laptop to test on.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

unfortunately you made your pcca Layout project worse.

before everything was working only the layouts didn't work, now everything is broken, crashes Windows, Total Crash,

you better go back to the previous version that only Background didn't work,

this new version is totally broken, several friends of mine tested without success, all Crash on Windows, even with the file (1fishier) that you left for donload, all my friends were sadder, you better check the error.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

tested on hd4000 , sorry you cannot run full (40) background transitions.

this script is not really intended to run on older GPU.

it is tested and works perfectly on:

Intel HD 4600, 530 , Radeon hd 5670, RTX 2080 Super, GTX 650, Radeon RX 550, 570 , 580

temporarily , if you want to run it without backgrounds, simply delete the effect.frag file in the shader folder of the pcca layout.

Video frame overlay is now displayed even with an old gpu.

when i have some free time i will make a lightened background transitions shader for the old gpu, but for the moment it is not a priority , 10 year old gpu is no longer a standard.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

So it is much better to leave the old version available for download, because everything was working fine, except the backgrounds,

could you leave the old version for download and create a command line in the programming to load the background from another extra folder?

even carrying a background from another folder would be interesting, as it would be completely perfect running on any GPU, since before me and my friends were running perfectly, only the background was missing,

much better the previous version than this new one, because it doesn't work.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

simply delete the "effect.frag" file in the shader folder of the pcca layout and you disable background transitions like in the "older version"

hedergim commented 4 years ago

please create a schedule to run extra backgrouns directly from another folder, I can remove all the backgrouns from the .zip and play in another folder, so you create a new version to read background from another folder, and not from within the hyerspin zip,

ready, it solves everyone's problem.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

[[[ simply delete the "effect.frag" file in the shader folder of the pcca layout and you disable background transitions like in the "older version" ]]] I did it and went back to working as before,

you can create a command line to run extra backgrounds, I’m not talking about the backgrouns within the Hyperspin .zip themes, run backgrounds from another folder, so I create a folder and place the backgrounds.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

If you do this to pull the backgroound from another folder, it solves everyone's problem.

hedergim commented 4 years ago

I'm getting a (new GPU PC) to test.


If you create an alternate version of the pcca layout for older GPUs it would be wonderful,

you would have 2 versions to download, (old GPU pcca) (pcca new GPU)

o (pcca GPU old) the user should create an alternate folder to place all backgrounds, (not .zip), would be wonderful. o (pcca GPU old) would run the background in a traditional alternative way of AttractMode, loading from an extra folder, as AttractMode already does narurally.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

wait some more days and i release a lightened version , so that you will have transitions even on old hardware

hedergim commented 4 years ago

ok, waiting

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

Can you please test if it's ok with this shader ? Unzip effect.frag to the shader folder of pcca layout effect.zip

hedergim commented 4 years ago

Congratulations now everything went perfectly, ran the perfect background, so you can now update your GitHub, showing that there are 2 versions, for old PC and for new PC,

I want to open another issue, have a problem with your Wheels roulette, exactly the wheel that is in front of the pointer has a delay, it only leaves the front when the other one arrives in place, then it gets a little ugly, can you fix it? you will notice when you put the transition of the slower wheels, close to 400, I'm waiting.

pcca-matrix commented 4 years ago

Ok , can you please close this issue and open a new one for the wheel delay, with more details on your problem , vertcial or horizontal wheel ? resolution ? Wheel transition time , Wheel fade time ?

hedergim commented 4 years ago
