pcdshub / IocManager

pyqt5 + pyca-based EPICS IOC Manager
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MNT: upgrade to python3 and apply our cookiecutter #11

Open tangkong opened 1 year ago

tangkong commented 1 year ago

Naively, I propose upgrading this project to python3 and applying our standard python cookiecutter. This would bring with it the framework for running tests in GHA and installation via pypi/conda-forge

Is there a specific reason this repo hasn't been upgraded? (some py2 specific feature? Secrets?)

Rough To-Do List:

klauer commented 1 year ago

This should be approached with extreme caution

Some scripts here are used to boot every single IOC in the LCLS: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/PCDS/Detailed+Soft+IOC+boot+process