MR1K4 was intermittently declaring a good state then a bad state blocking beam. The fluttering made it hard to bypass.
How Has This Been Tested?
Two tests run and passed. Although, the actions I expected to happen on a particular cycle did not line up exactly. This means there's probably + 30 ms of uncertainty in how long it takes to reset the flutter detection and maybe +10 ms in flutter detection. I don't anticipate this level of performance being needed atm.
Where Has This Been Documented?
Pre-merge checklist
[ ] Code works interactively
[ ] Code contains descriptive comments
[ ] Test suite passes locally
[ ] Libraries are set to Always Newest version (Library, *)
[ ] Committed with pre-commit or ran pre-commit run --all-files
to detect a boolean changing from high to low a given amount of times within a certain time window.TestFlutterReset
Motivation and Context
How Has This Been Tested?
Where Has This Been Documented?
Pre-merge checklist
Always Newest
version (Library, *
or ranpre-commit run --all-files