pcdshub / pcdsdevices

Collection of Ophyd device subclasses for IOCs unique to LCLS PCDS.
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Color GigE Camera Dimensions #298

Open teddyrendahl opened 6 years ago

teddyrendahl commented 6 years ago

areaDetector IOC simply specifies ArraySize0, ArraySize1, ArraySize2. Ophyd assigns these meaning in terms of width, height and depth. For grayscale images the ImagePlugin does the correct thing, but for color images these seem to get reversed. We need to discover if this is an issue with the class or a PCDS areaDetector convention


klauer commented 3 years ago

Ophyd has some confusion with array size dimensions, sadly. I erroneously thought it could be simplified and generalized as width/height/depth, but that was the wrong choice; the upstream code should have been just left as size{0,1,2}.

Edit: this is still an issue, but I'm not sure it's one we'll be solving here.