HEAD is now at c8dab5e REL: v0.5.0
ERROR: The doctr command '/home/travis/virtualenv/python3.6.7/bin/doctr deploy --build-tags v0.5.0 --deploy-branch-name gh-pages --command \'"doctr-versions-menu"\'' failed: SystemExit('Giving up...',)
Giving up...
git pull -s recursive -X ours doctr_remote gh-pages
Already up to date.
Pushing commit
git push -q doctr_remote __doctr_working_branch:gh-pages
Push failed, retrying
git pull -s recursive -X ours doctr_remote gh-pages
Already up to date.
Pushing commit
git push -q doctr_remote __doctr_working_branch:gh-pages
Push failed, retrying
git pull -s recursive -X ours doctr_remote gh-pages
Already up to date.
Pushing commit
git push -q doctr_remote __doctr_working_branch:gh-pages
Push failed, retrying
git checkout c8dab5e18f98114fa45ae1c0f85ecef505d81bcc
git stash pop
Already up to date!
HEAD detached at c8dab5e
Redid the deployment key, but still not working: